Questions and Answers Pt.1

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A/N Sorry about the late update!

Here it is....


"Let's go ladies! One more lap! GO GO GO!" Aubrey shouted from her place at the bottom of the bleachers. 

Beca finished her lap and collapsed at the bottom of the stairs. Rachel followed close behind. Chloe, Santana and Quinn had already finished their laps, and didn't even seem out of breath.

"How- the- hell- did- you- finish- so- fast!" Beca asked Chloe taking gasps of breath between each word.

Chloe chuckled. "You think she's bad, you should see her sister Alice. Spend three years in hell with that dictator and you would think Aubrey is heaven!"

"And we had Coach S as our coach. That lady is the devil in human form when it comes to conditioning." Quinn said.

"She was the high school cheer coach as well? I presumed she was only the middle school coach." Rachel asked.

"Nope, we thought we were fucking done with her in Grade 8, and middle of the summer we get an order to be at the football fields at 6am for every week day for the rest of the summer!" Santana growled. Fat Amy immediately jumped a foot back. Santana had nearly decapitated her last practice. 

"Down girl." Beca said patting her head.

Santana immediately snapped her head towards Beca. She advanced slowly.

"Please don't hurt my other half San!" Rachel pleaded.

"Hold up, hold up, are you two dating?" Cynthia-Rose asked.

Rachel and Beca shared a look, then burst out laughing. "We- dating?" Rachel laughed. "Are you fucking serious?" Beca asked between laughs. Santana and Quinn were chuckling.

"Yes?" Cynthia Rose replied.  

"Their twins." Santana managed to get out.

All the Bella's jaws dropped.

"Really!" "Oh my gosh." "What the hell?" "Seriously?"

"Yes seriously, is it really hard to see?" Rachel asked.

"Well you're all diva, and big and Beca is all eyeliner and headphones.

Beca turned around and remover her eyeliner, and Rachel took her hair out of her bun. Turning back towards them, they saw the resemblance.

"What!" "How?" "This is awesome!"

Rolling her eyes, Beca put back on her eyeliner.

Chloe butted in. "I see this is a perfect opportunity to get to know each other better. How about a game of twenty questions tonight? Twenty per person..."

"That's a lot, how about five per person." Quinn reasoned.

"But the hunter was planing on going hunting tonight!" Stacie whined.

"I'll provide alcohol." Fat Amy reasoned.

"I'll provide bombs and dead rabbits." Lily said in her quiet, creepy way.

(cricket sound as the Bellas looked at each other.....)

Rachel was the first to recover. "Um about that, me and Beca are underage, I refuse to take part in such activities. That's illegal! I refu-" Beca elbowed her in the stomach.

"Come on Rachel, I've drunk before!" Beca interrupted. Rachel smacked her on the back of the head.

"No Beca, we are not even 18 yet. I mean, what if dad sees? He could get fired! Our scholarships could be revoked. We could-"

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