Questions and Answers Pt.2

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A/N Hey everyone!

Here's the next update! 

This is dedicated to LykaDiyco for leaving comments and giving me motivation to update! Love you lot's for reading and voting on my piece. It means a lot!

If you are a shipper of Joanlock, I've opened a story to prompts, so you can comment prompts for one shots on that story, it's on my profile.

If you are looking for great songs to listen to, I have put up a list of songs I like to listen to while writing, you can also find that on my profile.

And finally, I have two fanfics Broken (greys) and Our Fading Star (glee). As this is my main story, they won't have regular updates, rather updates based on votes, but please check them out. 

And onwards to the story!

Disclaimer: Don't own anything still!


"And did you guys finish your degree?" Fat Amy said skeptically.

"Hell yes! It was easy. We graduated summa cum laude." Beca said.

"Well I'm in Med Sciences right now, can you help me study?" Chloe asked.

"Sure." Rachel said. "Alright, moving on. Quinn!"

"Yeah, let's start!" Quinn said.

"Question 1: Are you and Santana together?"

"Uh, yes....." Quinn quickly pecked Santana on the cheek.

"Awwwwww" the Bella's cooed as Rachel visibly deflated, but tried to straighten up before anyone else saw. Beca, Santana and Quinn noticed, knowing Rachel the longest, they always knew when the ball of sunshine and energy was upset. Santana and Quinn exchanged looks.

"Ahem." Rachel cleared her throat. "What are you majoring in."

"Law as well actually."

"Yay we'll have classes together!" Rachel said excitedly. "Hobbies?"

"Cheerleading, singing, and drawing."

"Of course!" Rachel giggled. "Any siblings?" 

"Yup. Frannie." She said rolling her eyes and tucking her legs into her chest, suddenly becoming very sad.

Rachel quickly hurried over and hugged Quinn. "It's ok, I love you!"

The Bella's looked around uncomfortably.

"Her parents always treat Frannie better. Frannie is their star child, Quinn always gets shoved to the shadows." Beca said sadly as Santana also went to hug Quinn.

Aubrey came over to sit by Quinn.

"My older sister Alice is like that too. Overachiever, always first in my parents hearts. I really came to Barden to prove I was better. I started in Law too, because my parents are lawyers. But I realized I don't need to care what my parents think. I mean, do I want their approval? Yes, they're my parents. But I don't need to do it the same way as Alice. I changed my course to teaching because that's what I want to do. They were mad, but when I was first in my class 2 years in a row, skipping a year too, they approved. Just find your own course."

"Thanks Aubrey." She said hugging Aubrey.

"Ready for the next question?" Aubrey said.

"Yup!" Quinn said.

"Last question. Favourite song genre." Rachel said, happy her secret crush was happy.

"Pop!" Quinn replied. "Alright next person! Chloe!"

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