Chapter 7

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As the night fell deep, Suzuki had a nightmare about her past and suddenly woke up sweating, tears ran down her face mixing in with her sweat. She decided to get up to get a fresh drink of water and change her clothes. She looked down on the floor and didn't see him sleeping on the futon. 'He must have left' she thought to herself and got up and left. She grabbed her water from the fridge and turned her head and saw him sleeping on the couch. She left to go to her room and grabbed a blanket. She carried it to the living room and placed it on him. She stared at his face and admired how soft and baby liked it looked. She looked down and saw him holding his phone, she pulled it out and placed it on the coffee table, the phone turned on and she saw a photo of him and his mother when we was younger, "how cute." She whispers, As she did that she felt how soft his hand was, like a baby's skin. His black hair covering his forehead and his small little snores. "Your a weird one aren't you?" She speaks to herself covering the blanket over his shoulders. "I wonder who you really are." She mumbles to herself. She looks at her clock in her house and realised it's 4:03am, "Well, off to work." She says to herself and left. She arrives the the front of the palace door and stands there for a moment before entering.

The sun rose and filled the room with its warm sunlight, kou woke up and saw he had a blanket on. He sat up and looked around and let out a little yawn, while whipping his eyes like a little child. He bent over and saw a note on the table and read it out loud to himself,
"Good Morning Okayama-Kun.
I hope you had a nice sleep. You looked really cosy. If you don't have any clothes, use the ones next to this note, made you some breakfast so help yourself. I left to go to work. I hope you can work everything out with your father." He stands up and folds the blanket and changed into the clothes he was given. He then sat at the table and ate. Before he left the house he left a little note and some money. He exited the house and walked the streets, before he knew it he ended up by the fountain under the clock tower.

Sorry for the really short chapters lately!!

The Nameless Pierette 《Piero》Where stories live. Discover now