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The SUV was fifteen minutes out of Boston, near Medford when Russell got Ron's call

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The SUV was fifteen minutes out of Boston, near Medford when Russell got Ron's call.

Brock heard his suffocated, "What!?" and glanced at him, noticing his horrified shock. He didn't need to ask, because Russell was already calling Cooper.

"Ma'am, our subject is in Boston, and he's just taken over a coffee shop. It's Orlando's, ma'am, two streets away from our office. He's got about two dozen hostages," he said, and gave Cooper room to ask the obvious question. "Because Lieutenant Gillian is in there," he replied. "Yes, ma'am, she's one of the hostages." Brock swallowed a curse as Russell said, "Yes, ma'am, we'll be there in thirty minutes tops." Russell disconnected and traded a look with Brock. "I didn't tell Cooper, but Captain Cook is also there, and Palmer just shot'im."

His words seemed to push Brock's foot on the gas. Soon they crossed the river and drove into Boston's traffic. Behind his sunglasses, Brock's scowl was fixed ahead as he drove, while Russell kept taking and making call after call. Sirens didn't work miracles and Brock knew they'd better manage their anxiety, as he took heed of the tiniest gaps between cars to make their way. So Gillian was among the hostages. He tried not to curse once more at her infallible skill to be always in the eye of the storm. And failed, of course.

He hadn't seen her since the Wood case, two months ago, but he'd heard about her from Russell, as usual. She'd never tried to contact him either, like no consultation had come up in the few cases she'd handled lately. After that night trapped in the blasted building, it seemed like they were in no hurry to come across each other again. Nothing Brock could logically explain, but if he had to word it, he would've said they were protecting their armors.

Russell had told him about the ban to keep the SCU from working with them and the DEA without previous authorization, and that he'd never seen her so upset about the brass politics before, which—Brandon's voice from Russell's phone speaker startled him back from this thoughts.

"I'm already linked to the SCU. Kurt's feeding me live streams from street cameras all around the place."

"Do we have eyes inside?" asked Brock.

"In a minute, sir."

"What about the police?" asked Russell.

"They're already closing the area."

That was quick, but Orlando's was almost around the corner from the Historic District police station.

"Did Palmer make any demand?"

"We still don't know. It all happened ten minutes ago."

Only then Russell noticed Gillian's text. He opened it right away. "Guys, Reg texted me, but all she says is ladies room window."

"Philips, make sure the PD know we're coming and this is our case."

"SAC Cooper is already on the phone with Superintendent Gillian about it."

"We're gonna need you on site, Brandon."

"T and the rest of the SCU are already there. Only Kurt stayed at the office, to keep us all linked."

"Send'em all we have on Palmer. And tell T to pull blueprints of the building."

"Oh, my...!"

"What is it?" asked Brock.

"I have eyes inside, sir. LT is coming out of the restroom..."

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