Chapter 11

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"Where's your kitchen?" Luke asked the minute i unlocked my house door. 

"To the left." I said, poiting down the main hall. "Don't mess stuff up." 

I climbed the stairs to my room and started rummaging through my closet. 

I fished out my dark blue jeans and a red button up. 

Stripping out of my clothes fast, i slipped on my outfit and my white vans. 

I grabbed my black hoodie from the back of my door and left the room. 

"Luke?" I frowned, looking around the kitchen. The fridge was open and Jeremy's head popped up from the side. 

"Heyo." He said, his mouth full of my mom's chocolate cake. I sighed, letting out a small laugh. 

"All done, ready to leave." He stood up and swallowed the huge bite. He grinned, chocolate in his mouth, and nodded. 

"Man that cake is so good." 

"Was." I said, looking at the empty plate he left in the fridge. I took it out and put it in the sink. 

We left the house and i locked it behind me, leaving a note for my mom saying i was going to the movies. 

As i got into the car, i spotted Shane. 

"Sup man?" Luke yelled. Shane looked up and grinned. 

"Hey." He nodded. 

"You never mentioned you live next to Shane." Luke said, turning to me. 

"You never asked." I said, turning on the ignition. 

"Hey maybe we should ask him to come with.. i haven't hung out with him for a while." I shrugged. 

"Sure, i dont mind." Luke grinned and called out to Shane. 

"Wanna catch a movie with us and the group?" He asked. I bit my lip, half of me wanting him to come and the other wishing he would reject the offer. 

"Maybe another time man, i've got some stuff to do." Shane said, glancing at me. 

"Alright cool, hit me up when you're free." Shane nodded and said bye, heading into his house. 

I started the car and pulled out of my driveway. 


Luke gave me directoins to the movies and we finally reached, at exactly seven forty five. 

I parked the car and we walked over to the entrence. "Wow Casey isn't here. She's really exact usually." Luke said, looking around. 

I took a seat on the bench and checked my phone. I had a text from my mom. 

how do you have money for the movies? - stay safe. 

I sighed. why's she home early? it's not even eight. 

i had fifty saved. will do. you home already?

I immedietly got a text back. 

My night patients canceled, two of them! don't stay out too late. school night

Oh now she decides to be an aware parent. 

woopty doo. will be home before eleven. 

I turned my phone off, wanting to save my battery. 

"They're heree." Luke sang. 

Casey, Nadia and Jeremy made their way down the street towards us. 

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