Chapter 6

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I walked down the hall, towards my locker. 

Opening the metal door, i placed my books and grabbed my bag. It was finally lunch time and after being late to all my first three classes, i was glad. 

A figure stood beside me, opening his locker. I frowned at the familiar hands and glanced to the side. 

"Ugh." The involuntary sound made its way out of my mouth. He looked up, scowling. 

"Why are you always around me?" Shane asked, roling his eyes at me. 

"Not my fault your locker is right next to mine." I said, annoyed. 

"You're the one who has your locker next to mine." He said arrogantly. I narrowed my eyes at him, puffing out in annoyance. 

"That doesn't even make sense, you're just an arrogant jerk." I spat out. He snorted and shut his locker loudly. 

"And you're a spoiled little brat." He retorted. 

"I don't understand why you hate me so much, what on earth did i do, you tard!?" He let out a loud groan, roling hs eyes again. 

"You -" He was interrupted mid sentence by Luke running towards me. 

"Do you have it?" He said in a rushed manner. I nodded and re-openned my locker. I grabbed his backpack and handed it over. "... my tart?" 

"Oh i ate that." I said, grinning inocently at him. He squinted his eyes and pouted. I looked back at where Shane was standing but he was gone, along with his unfinished rude remark. 

I was definetely dreading tonight's dinner. 

"Thank you for this." Luke said, raising the bag. "I need to go finish my homework, sitting with Casey and the lads for lunch?" I nodded. 

"You won't be coming?" He shook his head, saying he had too much work. He left and i made my way to the cafeteria. 

I walked into the crowded lunch room and quickly found Casey. I grabbed an apple and a bottle of juice and walked over to her table. 

"Ooh hello Keira." Casey said cheerfully. "Sit sit." She ordered. I obliged, sitting where she pointed. "Guys this is Keira, Keira this is Nadia." She motioned to a beautiful blonde girl, sitting to her left. The girl gave me a smile and a small wave. I smiled back, returning the wave. "And you know Jeremy." I nodded, letting out a small laugh. "I think Luke said something about having alot of homework or something, so he isn't here." i nodded, not mentioning i already knew. 

I removed my earphones from my pocket and began untangling them. I put them in my ear and pressed shuffle on my phone. The song Hear me now by framing hanley began and i tapped my foot to the rhythm.

My eyes popped open in surprise as my right earphone was ripped out of my ear. I scowled at Casey who held my earphone in between her two fingers.

"That is very anti social, Keira.." She scolded. I shrugged, snatching back my ear phone wire. She sighed, shacking her head dramatically. I let out a small laugh and continued to listen to songs. 

I absent mindedly stared at Jeremy's tray. He hands moved infront of my eyes a couple of times before i blinked twice, looking up with a frown. 

"What?" I said, taking one ear phone out. 

"I was saying how we all decided movies tonight would be fun." He said, grinning. "You in?" 

"It's Wednesday though..." 

"And..?" I raised my eye brow at him. 

"And it's a school night.."  

"Yeah but the movie starts at six and ends at eight.. that's early enough." I thought about that. I was about to say yes but then remembered the dinner. I silently groaned and threw Jeremy an apologetic look. 

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