Chapter 2

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Second chapter woohoo. enjoy xxx

Picutre of Shane on the side!


I stared at my vectors book dumbfolded. I understood nothing. I hated vectors. I had been so relieved when i knew that no questions from this chapter were gonna be included in the test. Now that they are, i have no idea what to do.

I sighed and tried solving the first problem. 

I was currently laying on my bed, trying to solve the horrible questions. I groaned in frustration as i, yet again, got the wrong answer. I looked out the window and suddenly a great idea hit me. 

I lived next to the beach. An ocean was my backyard. 

Pulling off my sweats, i put on some jeans shorts and a purple tank top. 

I opened my glass door, which lead straight to the shore, and started walking towards the rocks. 

I decided that studying outside would be the perfect solution. Maybe the waves would give me an idea about what the hell vectors was on about. 

I took a seat on one of the rocks and kicked off my flipflops. The cool water touched my feet and i relaxed a little. I opened up my book and worked some more. 

I sighed, giving up.

I looked down and kicked at the water.  

My head shot up as i heard someone coming my way.

A kid, looking about seven, stood a few feet from me. I looked around for any adult, but noone was there.

"Um, hey there." I said with a smile. He walked a bit closer. "Are you lost?" He shook his head. "Waiting for someone?" He nodded. "Who?" 

"My brother." I nodded slowly. 

"And where did your brother go?" He shrugged. "Right..." I frowned. "I'm Keira... what's you name?" I asked. 

"Josh." He said quietly. 

"Well hello, Josh." I held out my hand. His tiny hand came in touch with mine and we shook. "A pleasure." I grinned. He smiled back. He kind of reminded me of the guy back at the store. Even though he had sandy brown hair, their eyes were similar.

"How do you feel about joining me?" I asked, motioning to the space next to me. 

He hesitated before walking forward and climbing on to the rock beside mine. I smiled and tried to get back to my work. 

"Whatcha doin?" He asked.

"Math." I scrunched up my face and Josh laughed. 

"Ew i hate math!" He said cutely. "Wait it's summer." He said, frowning up at me. 

"Well it's my summer homework." I said, trying to keep it simple. He nodded seriously. "Really hard homework." i mumbled. 

"OH you should ask my brother for help!" He must have heard me. "He's real smart!" 

"I bet he is." I said, ruffling his hair. "So smart that he left you here alone." I muttered under my breath. 

"Maybe i can help?" He said, leaning forward to look at the page. 

"Will you? oh thank you!" I joked. I showed him the question and he squinted his eyes. 

"Oh this is easy peasy!" He said after a minute of staring at the page. "But i don't have my calator." I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. This kid was so adorable! "Calator." He repeated, trying to say it properly.

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