My Son

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Woojin woke up, his wide eyes exploring the world around him. He couldn't do much, he couldn't even lift his head from the position it was in. Luckily though he was facing a sleeping man, he watched in awe, his mouth drooling, in taking all the information possible. 

Taehyung woke up and couldn't help but notice Woojin staring at him so intensely. It was weird, to wake up and have such a small human stare at you. He furrowed his eyebrows at Woojin in which Woojin furrowed his small eyebrows back. 

Taehyung was so taken aback my the action, like holy shoot. The baby just furrowed his eyebrows at him. Jungkook was still sound asleep and totally unaware of the interactions happening.

Taehyung smiled at Woojin, flashing his toothy boxy smile and holy cow, Woojin after some trail and error, smiled back.  This made Taehyung smile wider and he reached for the baby, lifting him off Jungkook's chest. 

"Woojin, are you hungry?" Taehyung asked as he cradled the wide eyes baby into the kitchen. Taehyung spoke in that babyish gibberish tone. "I think you are, I think  you are hungry, aren't you, goo goo ga ga." He kissed Woojin gently on the forehead. 

Then Taehyung one handed, made a bottle, sitting down on the sofa, and started feeding Woojin. "You know, I would like to have a baby one day." Taehyung said as Woojin drank his warm milk. "You're so tiny, how is that even possible." 

He then  began to burp Woojin, patting his back. When Woojin let out a burp he spat up all over Taehyung's shoulder. "Woah!" He said in surprise but than shook his head. "That's okay, woah, you're such a big boy, aren't you." He soothingly rubbed Woojin's back. 

Jungkook was awake by now, leaning against the door way to his room. Taehyung was so good with kids, truly, he would make a great father one day. He smiled to himself and walked back into his room, coming out with a new shirt in his hands, he handed it to Taehyung and took Woojin. 

Taehyung smiled as he handed the baby to Jungkook, kissing Woojin on the top of his head. "One kiss for my big boy." 

He then leaned and kissed Jungkook on the cheek. "One for my bigger boy." He went to shower and change clothes, leaving Jungkook flushed red. What?


*         *         * 

It was late Thursday night, Woojin was sleeping and Taehyung and Jungkook where chatting in the living room. Tomorrow would be the day they go get the DNA test. 

"Hyung..." Jungkook said. "I don't want to have to put him through adoption." He shook his head, if Woojin wasn't his son, if there was some sort of mistake, he didn't want him to go through something like that. 

The truth was, Jungkook went through the adoption process, he almost got adopted a few times but it never worked out. He was in and out of foster homes as a kid, it was sad, it made him feel unloved, like nobody wanted him. The older he got the less likely it was to find a family. He did eventually, and his brother was adopted too but it was a mess, his brother ran away from how and is missing. Every moment up until his adoption was so painful. He didn't want that for Woojin.  

Even now he still wondered why his real parents didn't want him. He doesn't want Woojin to grow up with that kind of pain. 

Taehyung rubbed Jungkook's back. "I know." 

"I was thinking..." Jungkook looked at Taehyung. "I was thinking of not going." 

"What?" Tae asked. 

Jungkook took a deep breath. "I don't think it really matters if he's my real son or not, I think I've fallen in love with him, I don't need to know he's biologically mine to know I want to keep him and raise him." 

Taehyung pulled Jungkook in and held him tightly. "What about college? You didn't even tell your parents yet." 

"I'll quit school and tell my parents..." Jungkook trailed off. "Fuck, they'll probably be so angry, they'll cut me off and stop paying for rent. I'll just get a job and pay for a baby sitter." It all made so much sense in is head but saying it out loud sounded so crazy. What would the guys think? Was he really father material? Could he raise a child?

"Move in with me." Taehyung said. "That way you won't have to worry about rent, and I'll get a job too, don't worry about it and-" Damn it, why was he so willy to sacrifice everything for Jungkook? 

Jungkook shook his head. "Tae, I can't just-" 

"Yes you can." Taehyung nodded his head. "I told you Jungkook, I'll be there for you." 

Jungkook never went to the DNA test, he and Woojin moved in with Taehyung. Jungkook went to officially sign that he was in fact the legal guardian of Woojin, Jeon Woojin. 

And now the story will actually begin.

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