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Jungkook placed Woojin in the carrier that Yoongi had provided a few days ago, the baby tightly strapped against his chest. Woojin's messing mop of this hair tousled around, he snuggled his head so his ear rested right against Jungkook's heart beat. Jungkook read once somewhere that a baby calms at the sound of a mothers heart beat, what about a fathers?

He started heading out of his apartment, not before grabbing a few pampers and a clean bottle. Over these past few days he had become surprisingly good at child care, and while he didn't know how long it would last, he enjoyed the moments when Woojin would grip onto his pinky finger or gurgle noises. 

Still the question posed, was Woojin really his son? He had the DNA test in a week and everyday he came close to it became more and more stressful. Some part of him wanted to be the person responsible for creating such an adorable human being, I mean wow, he created that. Jungkook didn't think he could create much of anything till now. If Woojin wasn't his son... he couldn't think of the solution to that was.

He walked next door and knocked on the door quickly before just opening it. Taehyung was sleeping on the sofa is a set of loose boxers and a T-shirt. Wait... 

"Is that my T-shirt?" Jungkook asked, kicking the side of the sofa. 

Taehyung jolted awake, his eyes prying open from the panic. "Fuck Kookie, don't d othat you scared the shit-" 

"Hyung!" Jungkook yelled, covering Woojin's ears. "No swearing around the baby. I don't want him to grow up indecent." 

Suddenly Yoongi appeared from the bathroom, his hair was wet like he had taken a shower. "Oh so you mean like you?" He snickered, throwing on a shirt that was tossed on the ground. For some reason Jungkook felt a pang in his heart, why was Yoongi always around Taehyung now?

Jungkook raised and eyebrow and returned his attention back to Taehyung. "I came over because I wanted to know if you wanna go out for coffee." His voice slightly lower than before and his words slower.

Taehyung nodded. "Yeah sure... Just let me get dressed."

*      *       * 

Taehyung held the door open as Jungkook walked into the cafe, Woojin was sleeping against his chest peacefully. The made their way to a table facing the large window, because Jungkook loved sunbathing.  

Taehyung took his jacket off an rolled up his sleeves before reaching over and looking at the menu. They went to this cafe often and Taehyung already knew exactly what he was going to get but he needed an excuse to do anything but look the younger in the eye. He eventually got up and to get the drinks.

Jungkook was fuming with a sort of pettiness, he wasn't sure where it was coming from but he was salty, especially since after leaving Tae's apartment.  

"So Jungkook... something you wanna talk about?" Taehyung finally asked, clearing his throat. 

Jungkook looked up at the older, he watched as Taehyungs lips darted out his mouth to moisten his lips. "Are you and Yoongi dating" 

Taehyung let out a cough. "What? No, why would you think tha-" 

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "C'mon hyung, why wouldn't I think that?" He pouted a bit. "I don't know... it just seems like you guys have been hooking up a lot lately." 

Tae looked down into his lap. "Well we have been I guess but you know how it goes. It's just a friends with benefits sort of thing." 

Jungkook frowned. "Oh..." He sipped his drink slowly. "But like... nothing serous?" 

Taehyung smiled and leaned forward. "Why jealous?"

Jungkook darted his eyes up to Taehyungs eyes and glared, but even behind his glare he was starting to glow a light shade of pink. "No." He said, his voice sharp. "Do you think I have time to be jealous?" He started. "I have a baby." He pointed at Woojin. "I ain't got time to be worrying about you and your relations." 

Taehyung leaned back and sipped his drink. "Yeah sure." 

"Seriously, I don't!" Jungkook defended himself. "Besides, didn't you say you'd be here for us. How are you gonna be here for us if your there with Yoongi. You gotta help me support my son."

"So I'm your baby daddy?" Taehyung asked, holding in laughter. 

"PHhhht what no!" Jungkook choked out. "You just said..." 

"Jungkook." Taehyung smiled softly. "I know what I said and it's still true. I'll be there for you and Woojin no matter what. I'll cut things off with Yoongi if it makes you feel better." 

"No, I didn't-" 

"It's fine Kookie." He got up and walked up to Jungkook, ruffling his hair. "Lets go, I'm sure Woojin is going to wake up soon."

*            *            * 

It was late at night, past midnight when Taehyung decided to go to Jungkooks apartment to make sure he and Woojin where okay. When he walked in everything was still and silent. He slowly crept into Jungkooks room and his heart melted because Jungkook was fast asleep, Woojin lying on his chest. Both of them, mouths parted and small breaths.   

He smiled and looked around, grabbing the blanket that was kicked to the foot of the bed and lightly draping it over the two. He picked up the bottles lying on the floor and washed them in the kitchen and tidied the living room a bit. Then he walked back into the bedroom and lied on the other side of the bed for a while. 

Not really to sleep, he wasn't tired. More to just watch. He watched as Jungkook slept for a while, and then Woojin. As far as they knew, this was really, truly Jungkooks baby. Taehyung knew that without a doubt he would support Jungkook, he didn't even have to think twice about that decision.  

Jungkook's eyes slowly opened and he looked over to see Tae. "Hyung?..." His voice small and tired. 

"Go back to sleep Kookie." Taehyung reassured. 

"But why are you here?" 

"I'm keeping you safe." He smiled. "Close your eyes and catch some sleep." 

Taehyung wondered exactly when was it when he decided he would sacrifice anything for Jungkook.

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