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We don't know what awaits us on the outside, we may live but we don't know if we could last longer. The home, the world we believe who'll protect us were no longer there to sustain life.

A year on the bunker, few people survived on the outbreak, and as those people are we-11 of us.

Some of us who were on the bunker died because of old age, sickness and heart attacks. We are in 20 people then goes down to 11.

We don't know if the outside world will be inhabitable now or the radiation will no longer affect our body system cause the last time we tried to go outside-six months ago, he got infected and as his wish, he live alone trying to survive under  the scorching sun.

We may lose hope but it isn't the reason for we to die without trying.

We don't know how many of the civilization survive, we need to create another inhabitation, people like us deserve to live. We aren't sure if the rest of us would still on their feet until the end of times.

They said, the end of the world has come and for what has done, we'll be punished. As I believe, surviving is the reason as we are alive today.

The rest of us may not survive but we could change the world, we could create civilization again, we could be safer in any way again.

This is not the end of everything, it's just started.

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