Chapter 2: School Time

Start from the beginning


"Shuu~...I'm hungry, make some dinner..."

"What do you want to eat then?"

"I don't care as long as I get something to eat..."

"Just go take a bath, when you're done, so will the food."


"That was soooo yummy! Your cooking is the best! Teach me how to cook someday, Ok?" Shiniko asked energetically after finishing her meal. 

"Thank you! And of course I'll teach you how to cook! And that's a promise." Gakushuu promised.


"Go read some books now, I gotta clean."

Shiniko went into Gakushuu's room and stared at the bookshelf.

"What should I read tonight?" Shiniko thought for awhile, until she chose a book and started reading.

"So what did you choose for the books this time?"

She showed him the book covers.

"Those are good books."

They continued to read until they fell asleep. At that time, Uncle Asano came home and found them sleeping on each other again, so he tucked them in and left Gakushuu's room.

*End of Flashback*

"Sounds like you guys had lots of fun."

"Mhmm!" Shiniko hummed.


"Just in time, we're here. Gakushuu take care of Shiniko and both of you try to behave."


"Ok Uncle!"

As they were walking towards the building, Gakushuu said, "Dad didn't tell you this, but we have to try to be the best in everything, and right now I'm first out of all the first graders."

"Well that shouldn't be that hard, after all I have you to help me right?"

"Yeah, you do."

The classroom was filled with chattering.

"Hey did you know we're getting a new student."

"Yeah, do you think it's a girl or boy?"

"I hope it's a girl."


As Shiniko and Gakushuu walked into class together, the chatter got even louder.

"Sensei, this is Shiniko, she's the new student." Gakushuu introduced.

"It's nice to meet you, Shiniko. Where would you like to sit?"

"Can I sit at the back next to the window?"

"Why would you sit there when you could sit next to me?" Gakushuu interrupted. 

"Is it not ok to sit at the back." Shiniko retorted.

Gakushuu just sighed in defeat.

"Ok then, do you want me to introduce you to the class?" the teacher asked.


"Class, listen up we have a new student. Her name is Shiniko, please be nice."

"Hi Shiniko!" The class greeted with smiles and waves.

"Class settle down, I'm going to begin the lesson..."

During break, all the students got up and gathered around Shiniko's desk to introduce themselves. They were all very friendly. 

The students didn't bother to ask, "Aren't you a little too young to be in first grade?" Because the top five students are actually younger than the age your supposed to be in first grade.

Shiniko on the other hand was overwhelmed by all the attention she was getting, but she kept calm.

Gakushuu didn't really do much, except studying. Until, his friends: Ren Sakakibara, Teppai Araki, Tomoya Seo, and Natsuhiku Koyama, also known as the top five, gathered around his desk and started asking questions.

"Hey Asano, why did you walk into class with the new girl, Shiniko?" Sakakibara questioned.

"Don't get the wrong idea, she's my new sister and it turns out she might be smarter than me," he answered calmly, not taking his eyes off his book.

"W-what!?!!" the group looked over at Shiniko in shock. 

"Shocking, I know."

"Class, take your seats, the lesson is going to begin." the teacher announced.

During the lesson, Shiniko paid attention, until she realized that she already learned about the math lesson and started on the homework.

After she was done, there was nothing else to do. Everyone else was still working, so she gazed out the window and of course fell asleep again.

"Shiniko!" the teacher yelled.

"Hmm..." was all Shiniko could say in her half asleep state.

"Please pay attention."

"But I finished the work already..." Shiniko said as she handed the work to her sensei.

"H-how...and the answers they're all right!?!?!... I guess you're excused from this lesson then..."

With that said, Shiniko went back to sleep, but was woken up later with the sound of loud chattering and a thud on the table.


"It's lunch time, here," Gakushuu said, as he pushed the lunch towards Shiniko.


There were some whispering between some female students nearby.

"Who do you think Shiniko is?!? Getting lunch from Asano! Ugh, I hate her!"

"Yeah, who does she think she is!" The girl emphasized her question. "I have an idea, we should pretend to be her best friends to get close to Asano and try to separate them!"

"Good idea! Let's go."

They walked over to Shiniko.

"Hey~, Shiniko! You look lonely wanna be friends with us?" They asked with fake smiles on.


And thus a new 'friendship' was born.

A Secret Unraveled (Assassination Classroom FanFic) **Old Version**Where stories live. Discover now