Chapter 23

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It's midnight, I can't sleep. I slowly and quietly make my way out of bed, careful as to not awake Stephanie from her slumber.

The moon is casting light through the window and I can't help but feel myself edging towards it.

Without realising, I've managed to make my way to the window seat so I can directly face the moon, gaze at it in wonder and bask in the bright, pulsing light.

I don't know what happens but it seems to have a sort of power over me, I suppose you could say it hypnotises me.

I feel alive in its presence, invincible almost.

As the light shines down on me I can feel the energy pulsing in my veins. How can I possibly sleep when I feel most awake at this time? The sun doesn't make me feel so full of life, if anything it does the opposite, it's drains me you could say, dulling my energy and power, numbing my senses.

I know why I'm so drawn to the moon. It's in my nature and it's inevitable. I'm Luna, my name gives it away, of course I'm connected to the moon. It's impossible to describe the exact feelings I receive in its presence. It's euphoric, blissful and so many more things that words could not even begin to describe. The only way you could ever fully understand the true power of my connection with the moon would be to swap souls with me and feel the pull yourself.

I do this most nights, watching the moon I mean. It's why I'm always so tired in the morning. It's calming. The moon gives me a sense of clarity. It helps me sort through all my thoughts and helps me to contemplate and reflect on them as well.

Stephanie is the complete opposite to me when it comes to it the moon and my thoughts and actions towards it. She's an early riser. In a way she reminds me of Solis: glowing in the sun, absorbing the life from it, dull and lifeless at night and very cranky too.

Solis. I miss her dearly. She was always so cheerful, my other half. Our sisterly bond was second to none and she's definitely what I miss most about the other world. I shake my head to try and clear my thoughts. I can't think about her. It always brings tears to my eyes and my heart pangs at the mere mention of her. I have to remind myself that she wouldn't want me to feel this way. 'Enjoy life and live it to the fullest' was her famous quote. Whenever I was feeling down she would always tell me this and trust me when I say that was a lot, my childhood wasn't exactly pleasant.

Suddenly, I can feel the weight of something hanging around my neck, I forget that it's there sometimes, I've just become so accustomed to it being there. I clutch the locket in my hands, protectively. Why do I still have this? My family rejected me and threw me away like I was nothing, so why do I still treasure this so dearly? I shouldn't care about them, but I do. After all they've done I still can't bring myself to hate them. Why would they give this to me? Why did they even try in the slightest to protect me? They abandoned me in the woods for goodness sakes yet they still give me this. It's the only sign they ever cared about me. All my life I've been nothing but a disappointment. I know they don't give a damn so why even try to help me at all?

The only conclusion I've ever managed to come up with is to keep the family secret. No one can know about us so maybe they needed to make sure I could conceal myself. But why not just change my looks altogether before I left? They were more than powerful enough to give me a permanent glamour yet they chose to give the locket to me instead. I'll never know. There's no point spending the night pondering my families motives. That would be a never ending and hopeless case.

Family. That doesn't sound right to me. They didn't care for me like a family would. My parents at least, siblings that's another story. Parents. Nope, more like disliked acquaintances. 

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