Chapter 11

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Hope you're all enjoying the story! Just so you guys know this is where the real adventure begins...

The week as usual was as boring as humanly possible.

It turns out that Lucas takes almost all the same subjects as me but instead of further maths he takes physics. This means that he most likely wants to medicine or a course similar to it too. I would never have guessed that we are so similar academically


It's now 10am on Saturday.

Okay last question Luna (when I think to myself I use my actual name) and you are done with all your homework. Come on you never finish with the whole weekend ahead of you, you can do this.

"Yes" I say enthusiastically to myself "I've done all my homework for once!"

"That's great" Steph calls across from her bed. She's finishing up her homework too. "Now you have no excuse" she says more to herself than to me.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a sudden alarm.

"Oh did I say that out loud? It's nothing don't worry about it."

"Steph" I say in an accusing tone.

"Fine. Tyler and I our going out for lunch and you and Lucas are coming too." She says giving in.

"What?! Oh okay fine." I say without arguing for once.

Steph looks so surprised, she doesn't even know what to say which is a first for her as she's always talking.

"Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?" She worriedly asks.

"I have to learn to get along with Lucas as you're dating his best friend so I'll try for you." I say.

"Awwww. You do care about me. Thanks Krystal you're the best." She says as here eyes widen in excitement.

"I know I am" I say in a knowing and boastful manner.

Steph just rolls her eyes at me.


We arrive in town at 12:15 and walk to Stephanie's favourite restaurant. As soon as we enter I see Steph run past me and into Tyler's arms, I roll my eyes at her even though she can't see me.

"You look amazing Steph" Tyler says in a heartwarming tone.

"Awww thank you Ty. You don't look so bad your self." She says flirtatiously, giggling as she does.

I walk past them and towards Lucas. I'd rather talk to him than third wheel.

After eating Tyler speaks up. "So Steph and I are going to the movies now and we both think it would be great if you guys did something as well to get to know each other better."

I give Stephanie an evil glare, making sure the others didn't see. She planned this from the start, God damn it!

Before either of us can say anything Tyler and Steph are getting up and making their way swiftly to the door, gone in seconds.

"Soooo....." I say awkwardly.

Lucas does the exact same.

"Those two are evil I swear" he says cocking his head toward the door and rolling his eyes. "Unbelievable".

"I know but what can you do?" I reply casually. "How about we just walk around and see if anything looks interesting." I suggest.

"Why not." He replies smiling.

As we walk around chatting casually my mind starts to pick up on something I had forgotten about, Lucas is a bit strange. Not in a bad way but he doesn't seem normal, it's almost inhuman. I push the thought away, not possible.


About two hours later we are talking in Starbucks and the thought pops into my mind again. There's obviously something going on or I wouldn't notice it so many times. But what could it be? He looks completely normal, chocolate brown hair that isn't styled but looks like it is; emerald green eyes that sparkle in the light and generic teenage boy clothing. There's nothing weird about him so what could it be.

"Krystal?" I hear Lucas say

"What? Sorry! I was in my own world. What were you saying?" I ask apologetically.

"Nothing of importance, don't worry. But what I'm about to say is important." He says starting casually but his tone turns serious.

My ears perk with curiosity.

"I've been debating how to say this all day, I'm just going to say it. Don't scream, don't freak out, act normal okay?" He says more like a demand than a question.

I nod, worried about where he's headed with this.

"I know your secret. I know what you are."

Ordinary | ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora