Chapter 17

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For a moment Stephanie just stared at me, gaping.

"You have a boyfriend!" She says, her eyes glowing with excitement.

I knew this would take her mind off the previous subject and I was right.

Then she was serious "Who is he? And why didn't you tell me?"

I need to be careful as to how I answer this. "I'm not saying, we agreed to keep it a secret." I reply smoothly.

"Why?" She asks.

"Well it's a new relationship and we're not ready to make it public yet." I say thoughtfully.

"But I'm your best friend." She says looking slightly offended.

"I know but you always get very excited by these things and end up telling someone. No one can know, not even Tyler."

At these words her face momentarily drops but she quickly composes herself as she says "I can keep it a secret from anyone, even him." She gulps at the last bit.

Sure you can (note the sarcasm).

I raise my brow at her.

"Honestly, you know I can."

What shall I say. I need to come up with something to get her off my trail. Oh I know...

"How about this, if you can manage to keep the fact that I have a boyfriend a secret from everyone, including Tyler, for two weeks I'll tell you who it is."

"Two weeks! But that's ages!" She says obviously displeased.

"Too bad." I reply.

"Fine. You'll see, I can do it."

"Only time will tell." Is my cryptic response.

I know she won't last. She doesn't do it on purpose but when Steph's excited she accidentally lets things slip without meaning to.

Its obvious she won't make it. Oh this is perfect. Good job Luna. You're a genius. Mental self-five.


Tuesday was so boring, I'm not even going to go there. I'll never be able to erase the boredom from my mind. Sigh.

Wednesday passes by as usual. It's actually my favourite day of the week because I have a free period right before lunch and so does Steph so we go to town together and get something to eat.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

That's the bell. The school day is over.

Today I don't have to worry about coming up with an excuse to tell Steph as she thinks I'm with my boyfriend, yeah right, I can't believe she fell for that.

I get to Lucas's by 4:25 and knock on his door.

"One second" I hear him yell, as a massive thud shakes the floor. What could that possibly be?

He opens the door and I walk in curiously. My eyes are immediately drawn to the centre of the room and the question that was about to escape my lips was rendered mute.

In the centre of the room, where the coffee table should be, there is a treadmill. 

"Oh hell no." I say in horror. "I did not come here to exercise."

"You need to be physically fit to be able to exercise your powers properly

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"You need to be physically fit to be able to exercise your powers properly." He says as though he had prepared for my reaction, almost like he was expecting it.

"I'm actually on the lower side of healthy weight, I'll have you know. I don't need to be skinnier."

"It's not about being skinny. It's about having muscle and being in perfect physical condition." He replies slightly annoyed now.

"What. But...urgh. Fine" I give in, hoping my bitterness comes off crystal clear.

Then a devilish thought crosses my mind "Only if you do it too".

First he looks at me in shock then he slowly opens his mouth, shuts it again and repeats this process, obviously thinking carefully about his reply. "This is the only way you'll do it isn't it?" He asks sounding defeated.

I nod my head in response, smirking to myself. Oh Luna you're a genius if you're suffering he's going to as well. (Internal evil laugh)

"Fine. I guess it's only fair for us both to do this, considering I'll need to be in good shape as well." He looks annoyed by this but quickly hides his emotions with a blank expression.

"I'll start next time though as we only have one treadmill." He pauses thinking, then realisation hits his face. "That reminds me don't tell Tyler I'm letting you use this. He'd kill me if he found out I even touched it."

I nod, laughing to myself. He actually looks frightened, something like this must have happened before for him to act this way. I would have paid to see that it was probably hilarious.

"How about on Saturday we go for a run in the park?" He asks.

"Sure. That works."

He then gestures to the treadmill, urging me to step onto it. I do so wearily.

"Oh before I forget, you're  also going to have to do sit-ups and things like that, not just running." He adds.

"Oh this is so unfair. You sound like my personal trainer."

He chuckles. "I guess you could consider me that. At least I'm going to do this with you though."

"Yeah, I suppose." I respond sarcastically as I roll my eyes at him.

"So for the next few weeks we are going to be focusing on our physical states." He says in an authoritative voice.

"Seriously! Weeks?!" I reply terrified.

He merely nods.

I groan.

He ignores it.

Guess there's nothing I can do. I fucking hate you right now Lucas.

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