Chapter 9

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As this story is written in the eyes of a teenage girl there will be profanity. I will not be censoring these words anymore. It's not like I did much of it anyway so from now on I will not be doing it at all. I hope you guys are enjoying the story! And will carry on to regardless of profanity. Don't forget to vote and comment.

As a way to say sorry for being late, Tyler and Lucas dropped us back to the foster home.  I actually had a good day, I'm surprised. Wait. Shit. It's Monday tomorrow. Urgh. Fuck my life.

The next three days go by slower than I thought possible. Lessons are getting duller and duller, less practicals and more theory. But I guess that's A-level for you.

It's Wednesday evening and I'm sitting in my room. Suddenly I her my phone go off. Bing. Bing. I check my phone and it's an email from my biology teacher.

It reads 'Congratulations. You received a B+ on your project. Well done!'

A B+, are you serious. That may sound like a good grade but I've never had below an A in biology for the last 3 years!

I think my teacher did this on purpose because she doesn't like me. Probably because she thinks I cheat as I don't contribute in class but do very well in all my tests and projects. Ridiculous if you ask me. Maybe I'm just shy, but no I must be cheating. Urgh!

I'm about to shout out in frustration but then Steph jumps up behind me.

"Krystal! You won't believe it, Tyler asked me to be his girlfriend!"

"Omg! Really that's great!" I exclaim, forgetting about my frustration as I'm so happy for her.

"How are things going with you and Lucas?" Steph inquires, not subtly at all.

"Nice try. Is that your best attempt at being subtle? You know I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment." I state, bored by the fact that I'd repeated this a thousand times.

"Even if you're not you could still be friends with him." She adds.

"I guess" I say defeat rising in my tone. "If it makes you happy I'll call him, okay?"

"Alright". She says suspicion clear in her voice.

Stephanie leaves the room and heads towards the bathroom, probably to take a shower.

I reach for my phone and dial Lucas's number. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. After four rings he picks up.

"Hey Krystal!" He says with enthusiasm.

"Hey" I say back trying to match his level of enthusiasm but only getting about three quarters of the way there.

"So why did you call? Did you miss me?" He teases.

"Nah" I say coolly. "I was just wondering if you wanted to hangout sometime."

"Actually you'll be seeing me in a few days." Lucas mentions. "I'd like to keep it a surprise, so if you want to know why or where you'll just have to wait, or figure it out."

"Wait! What! Come on, tell me." I plead.

"Nope. Wait and find out." He says and I can imagine the grin spreading across his face.

"Fine." I say sourly. "Don't tell me. I'll find out sooner or later. Anyway I've got to go now. I guess I'll see you soon."

"Yep. Okay bye." He says and hangs up the phone.

I wonder what he means by he'll see me in a few days. Hopefully I won't have to wait too  long to find out. I didn't realise he could be so annoying and secretive. Guess his first impression is out the window but at least now he seems more human.

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