All of a sudden, over fifteen Red Guards could be seen walking through the streets of Paris which a large man in hand cuffs in the middle of them. "Great" Aramis groaned as he and his friends watched "what are they up to now??" he wondered; they approached the group of guards "what has this man done to be arrested exactly??" Athos asked. The leader of the musketeers enemy rolled his eyes, yet surprisingly explained "he's been arrested by the King's orders-" he informed, surprising the five friends - why didn't the King have them make this arrest?? It was common knowledge he preferred the musketeers over the Red Guards "-for terrorising and burning down a multiple of farms within France". The siblings eyes widened as they shared a look - was this the man that was to blame for their farm being attacked and destroyed?! Athos nodded to show he was listening to the information "I see...and his name??" the leader of the guards raised a brow, confused as to why this was important, as well as why the musketeer was so interested "his name is LaBarge" and with that, they went on their way towards the cells. Both the brother and sister had heard the given name, startling them; they watched the man pass them, taking a long stare as the prisoner was taken away. Their eyes were wide with a mixture of terror, horror, anger and shock "it can't be" D'artagnan whispered to his sister who felt her heart drop down into the pit of her stomach " is" she mumbled, lowering her wide gaze to her feet. As the day went on, the three musketeers noticed the sudden change with their two new friends after their little run in with the Red Guards; they repetitively asked if they were okay, only to receive the same answer every time "we're fine". As they made their way into the Tavern - Treville had told them to call it a day and relax for the evening as it was half seven - Porthos decided to voice his thoughts "I wonder why the King sent for the Red Guards and not us?? Or better yet, why didn't Treville??" his two long term friend shrugged, not knowing the answer, as D'artagnan sighed "he probably knew that the prisoner was the same man that had burnt out farm down to the ground" he was most likely right, though his sister had another theory on the matter. Suddenly stopping in the tracks, Kayley spoke up "I...I'm going to the Inn" she stated, forcing her brother and friends to halt; she turned away and rushed off before either of them could form even a word. As they ordered their drinks and sat down at their usual table, Athos looked towards the youngest man there "okay, seriously" they all looked over to him, seeing his gaze land on D'artagnan "what's wrong with you and the kid??" he asked; the girl's brother signed as he rubbed the back of his neck "it's nothing" they didn't believe it and he could tell "'s just....something from our past". Upon understanding that, neither of the musketeers pushed any further; they each knew the difficulties of having a past - especially one that caused later issues. Instead, they began to drink and talk about other, more amusing things.

With the fourteen year old girl, Kayley ended up abandoning the idea of returning to the Inn and had found herself wondering around the streets of Paris, deep in thought, until she realised she had returned to the Garrison. Looking around, she noticed how no was around to be seen - all of the cadets must have left to enjoy themselves for the night; she did, however, catch sight of a light glow leaking out of the office window - probably from a lit candle. That meant Treville was still here. Making her way up the stairs, Kayley knocked on the office door and waited for a reply; it soon came "come in!!" she heard the man call out; she opened the door and did just that, clocking the door after she walked into the building. The captain was sat at his desk, writing something on a piece of paper; he looked up from his work and paused upon seeing his niece - he sent her a smile. "Kayley?? What can I do for you sweetie??" he asked as he placed his quill down, next to the glass jar of ink, to show she had his complete attention; the teenager wrapped her arms around her thin frame " knew about...about LaBarge...didn't you??" she asked with much hesitation "that's why you had the Red Guards arrest him instead of the musketeers...because you knew my brother and I would help them" that was more or less a statement. The man sighed, rubbing his forehead for a moment "yes...I did" he confirmed "and yes...that's why I asked the Cardinal to have his men deal with LaBarge instead....told him I needed to sent the musketeers on another mission which was of more importance". The two fell silent for a minute before Treville spoke again "I didn't want you or your brother to see LaBarge....I know how that would have hurt you both, though mostly you" he explained; Kayley couldn't hold back her sigh "first he...he did what he he burns down our farm" she listed, shaking her head as her gaze fell to the floor " many times does he want to ruin our lives??" she wondered. Stepping up from his seat, Treville approached his niece and wrapped his arms around her, gently pulling her into a warm and secure embrace "no more, he will more than likely be sent to prison for the remainder of his years for all the damage he has done" he attempted to reassure "but you know.....he may even be hung for his specific crimes against you...if you told the King and Queen of what he did to you all those years ago" he suggested. Understanding what her uncle was saying, Kayley violently shook her head as she pushed away from him slightly "no!! I...I can't!! He...I..." she cried out; the captain calmly shushed her as he pulled her back against his chest, rubbing her bag as he tried to calm her down "'s okay" he mumbled "you don't have to do anything you don't want was just a thought".

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