On the brightside

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Y/N p o v
On the brightside, I get my cast off today. Elton took me up there. I was kinda sad, I was hoping Sam and Colby would be here or would have been found yet, but both of that was just an incorrect guess. It was 12:05 when we got there.
"Are you ready to get your cast off?" Elton asked.
"Yeah. Let's get this over with." I replied.
"You never told me how you broke your arm. I think I was out of town or something. So you mind telling me now?" He asked.
(The following is what happened. Y/N's replay is going to be in a flash back. So there will be no quotation marks. Hope you enjoy. Sorry if it is disgusting.)
~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was 1 month before I moved to L.A. with Sam and Colby. I already packed and I had already met all of the roommates, in person and on video chat, when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see my old best friend, bf/n, he/she asked if I wanted to go hang out and I said yes. He/she took me to A park in Kansas. We were climbing the trees and talking, when all of a sudden, these people were shaking the tree and bf/n jumped out and started shaking the tree even harder. I was so confused, then I realized that the people bribed him with drugs and money to physical harm me. (Sorry. I just said drugs bc it is easier to explain rather than sex.)
I fell out of the tree and landed on my left arm and everything went black. I woke up to bright lights, beeping, and plain white walls all around me. I looked over to my left and saw a big black cast on my arm. Later that day I left the hospital and my parents explained to me what had happened. I went home and finished packing and came out to L.A. earlier than expected, I had been done with school for 3 weeks. I text Sam and Colby to tell them.
I told him what happened. And I looked at my arm for the first time with our my cast. It was weird.

Prank War. (S.G C.B)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum