The next Day

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The day after the prank war after we dyed the doggo's fur pink, all hell broke loose to try and come up with another prank. So I partnered with Elton to pull a prank on Sam and Colby, it was like my initiation into the prank war.
"Hey Y/N." Elton called from downstairs.
"Coming." I said as I threw on my Black Veil Brides crop top and black ripped jeans with my black shoes. I was still getting ready for the day. I had already did my make-up and hair. I ran down stair to see Elton and Colby sitting in the kitchen.
"You look nice today, my love." said Colby as he approached me and have a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks babe. Elton, can I call to you in the driveway?" I asked.
"Sure." he said as we walked to the door. We stared talking about the prank, we already knew what we were going to do.
"Hey Y/N, I hope you don't mind but I asked my friend James Smyth to help out. He said his other friend Jake Kale would help. He said Jake knows you."he said.
"Okay. Jake doesn't sound familiar at all. But James does." I said. We went ahead and set everything up for the next day.
To be continued....
A/N- I should have made this clear but, Y/N mean your name. And A/N mean author's note. Sorry. Anyway hope you guys are enjoying the story. The picture below is the outfit your character was wearing. P.s I'm sorry if you don't like what your character wears, or anything they listen to, watch, or eat. And I am sorry for some of the mild language.

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