Secrets get revealed (2)

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Devan messaged me today, asking if he could come and see Lucie. I couldn't say no so I said yes. He came about an hour later. I showed him the way to Lucie's room. As he entered, he asked me to bring some water for him as he got tired while coming all to way to my home. I walked downstairs to get some water but thought to bring some juice for him. I poured the juice into the glass and walked slowly, trying not to drop it. I guess Devan didn't notice that I had come. I stood at the door, watching what was happening. He had a knife in his hand.

"Don't let Caroline know that I'm helping Rebecca!"

"What?" I asked.

He turned around. The expression on his face told that he was worried.

"Tell me the truth please."

"That's true. I'm helping Rebecca. I guess you didn't notice that when I threw the planchette on the ground to release her."

"That day... You did it intentionally..." 


"You lied to me! all this time, telling me that you were my friend."

"I had to.. there is a reason.."

"Rebecca's mom Jennifer, gave birth to two kids. Rebecca and James, my father. Jennifer's husband didn't want a baby boy and he threw James in the trash, lying to Jennifer telling that James died. She teared up and asked to adopt a boy. He said no and she kept on arguing. He got too frustrated and decided to shut her mouth. He hypnotized Rebecca and through her, he shut her mouth forever. Rebecca didn't remember anything and thought that she had killed her own mother. You already know how Lauren died. But it wasn't Rebecca's diary because of which her father killed her. It was totally opposite. Rebecca read her dad's diary in which he had written that he had killed her. Unfortunately, he saw her reading it. Before she could tell anyone or the police for the justice, he killed her. My father told me about Jennifer's wish and so I'm helping her."

I kept on thinking about how he was lying to me all the time. I looked at him in anger and remembered all the memorable moments we had together. I regretted befriending him. I grabbed his hand to throw him out of the house. Just as I did so, Lucie stopped me. Lucie looked at Devan and smiled. 

"He was acting Caroline. Maybe you didn't notice but Rebecca was behind you, listening everything."

"What I told you was true though.. I just don't want Rebecca to do what her mom wanted. Killing people? How can it even be someone's wish?"

I had to admit how good actors both Lucie and Devan were. But still, I had a question in my mind.

"Then why did you throw the planchette?"

"Rebecca had possessed Lauren that time. So if I thew the planchette, both Rebecca and Lauren would've got released. And I had to release Lauren. So that she could help you."

I smiled at him and was glad to know that he hadn't betrayed me. 

"Now, you should probably call Mia and Edward to talk to Rebecca using the Ouija board."

"Yeah it's time."

I messaged both of them telling to come to the garden once again. Both of them agreed. I was waiting, thinking about what all can happen. Edward told that he'll be the one arranging the Ouija board. After all, the one we used earlier wasn't with me anymore.


Now, I know this might be a little confusing for you. I'll clear the confusion.

Q. Is Devan really helping Rebecca?

No. He isn't. He was telling the truth about Rebecca's death though. Rebecca thinks that he's helping her but he isn't. He released her to win her trust.

Q.  Who is Devan?

Devan is James's son. James is Rebecca's brother. Jennifer's husband threw James in the trash lying to Jennifer, telling that he had died. And he was the one responsible for Jennifer's, Lauren's and Rebecca's death.

So basically, Devan was acting of helping Rebecca.

I hope this clarifies all the doubts.

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