The game

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"All of you know that I am the best at archery here." Before she could continue, Jason interrupted. "Well I don't know. Even I'm really good at it." Everyone turned their faces towards Jason. All of their faces were full of fear. He can read facial expressions, He's an expert at it. He looked at everyone. I don't know why but he couldn't utter a word. But his eyes seemed to convey that he was asking if he said something wrong. Before anyone could speak anything, Mia looked at him. "Well then why don't we have a competition?". He couldn't deny it. He never denies any competitions. "That sounds awesome!" 

I wanted to warn him because something felt strange. But he wouldn't listen to me. So I thought that I shouldn't try stopping him. I trust him, and so I supported him. The competition began in sometime. And to be honest, Mia was actually good at archery. But even Jason wouldn't quit. Both of them shot perfectly. And in no time, it all came to the last round. Just before Mia was about to shoot, something happened to her and she lost the match. I was so proud of Jason! Mia looked at me. "Well, are you as good as your younger brother?" I looked at her and smiled. "There's no doubt." She wanted to challenge me as well and of course, even I didn't deny it. And to my luck, even I won! 

Mia smiled and told me that she had never played with such strong competitors. I agreed as well. But the game actually didn't end there. She wanted a final match. But it was not with her, It was a match between me and Jason. I was pretty sure that I would win because I had helped him to be so good at archery. But it's always said that one should never take a competitor lightly so I gave my best and so did he. My practice at Archery finally paid off! I won! Jason looked at me and congratulated me. The rest of the party went normal. We ate food, played more games and enjoyed the party. On one hand I was enjoying a lot but on the other hand, I kept on thinking about my old friends and how I used to spend time with them. It was around 8 now and we needed to reach home as soon as possible as mom told us to get back home before it's 8:30. Just as we cycled all the way to Mia's home, We cycled again. And luckily, we reached home at 8:15! So that obviously meant that we weren't grounded. Jason told mom about the competition, the food and everything else. After sometime, mom asked us to show her the invitation card. When I handed it to her, she was completely shocked! The smile on her face vanished away. I didn't really know what to expect. She could barely utter a word. After sometime, she finally spoke. "This house has been closed for some years now and no one lives here." By this time there were many questions in my mind, but I decided to ask the first question that came in my mind. "How did you know mom?"

"Aunt Vera told me. She knows everything about this place. After all, She has been living in this town since she was born. She told me about this house once. She told me that she lost her way while going to her grandmother's house and reached this place. And she also told me that the house has been closed for years now."

"You're joking right?" added Jason.

"Time to sleep, leave it." said mom. Then she said good night to both of us and went to sleep. Both me and Jason went to my room to sleep. I tried to sleep, but there were so many unanswered questions in my mind. Specially that if the house is closed for years, why did Justin and Mia tell that it was there home? Well, I had to go school next day, so I slept hoping to find answers the next day.

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