New friends

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Me and my family recently shifted to our new house about a week ago. Everything was so different! I missed Laura, Jessica and Eve so much! Even though we chat, it's obviously way different than meeting them. I like most of the things here, but the worst part is that I don't have any friends here. Life suddenly changed! I used to be the girl everyone used to know at my old school. But here, I'm just a normal girl known by no one. 

Today at school, I was sitting alone during the break as usual when something strange happened. A girl came and sat beside me. She had brown hair with light blue eyes and a bright smile on her face. "Hi! My name is Mia." said she. "Hey! I'm Caroline." To my luck, she asked if we could be friends and there was no way I was going to say no. We talked about our interests and got to know that we had many things in common. The weird thing was that she told that we were in the same class even though I never noticed her. Most probably because I kept looking out of the window, hoping that the school got over soon. When the school was about to get over, She grabbed my hand. Her face was full of excitement. When I asked her what was the reason for her excitement, She told that it was her birthday that day, and she handed me an invitation card. "There's no choice! You have to come!". She smiled after saying that and went. While cycling to home, I asked Jason how his day went. He usually says only one word which is 'boring'. But today, he seemed cheerful as well. He told me that he made a friend whose name is Justin. I smiled and after some time, we reached home. I was surprised to see that even Jason got the invitation card to the party. It turns out that Justin is Mia's younger brother. When I opened the card, I was thrilled to know that the theme was horror. Both me and Jason were excited to go the the party, but first we needed to pick and outfit. I decided to go with a black dress and some dark makeup and Jason wore a black suit with fake vampire fangs. Time flew away so fast while we were getting ready and we realized that it was time to go. Mom and dad weren't at home, so we informed them that we were going to a birthday party and we left. It was really odd to see that their house was near to the woods and there wasn't any other house in our sight. I wondered how they lived in such a lonely place. As we rang the doorbell, Mia and Justin ran towards the door and opened it. Both of them looked awesome! I wished her and we stepped inside. There weren't many people at the party and as I told, I didn't really notice anyone in my class, I didn't even know if there were any people from my class at the party or not. Just then, a girl came running towards me. She looked at me and said in amazement, "You must be Caroline! I am Amelia. You can call me Amy." I smiled. It was a relief that even Jason made some new friends! The party made me believe that Halloween came! Even the food looked kind of terrifying. There were drinks like blood and green potions and foods like fingers, teeth and stuff like that. It's obvious that they didn't taste anything like those. I was having fun with everyone when all of a sudden, the lights went off. Everything went dark except Mia's face. All she said was "Attention Everyone! Time for the best part." and she smiled. 


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