Untitled Part 16

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Lily's POV

Alex sat in front of me with a pained expression, fidgeting in his seat as if he sat on the pile of needles. I was now propped up in my bed feeling slightly better by each minute as the medication left my body.

'Well,' he signed, 'want to ask your first question?'

'What's wrong with you?' I blurted out without thinking. Because I had to. Because this question had been bugging me for a very long time.

He straightened in his seat, giving an armchair a good shake as his broad shoulders crashed against it and looked at me as a small smirk found its way up on his lips. And then, as if to hide his mirth from me, he slowly averted his gaze towards the window.

'That is a very general question.' He said quietly clearing his throat and shaking his head. 'You wanted to ask me why I have such a distant relationship with my beast?

I just nodded and he copied my action in a perfect rhythm.

'My beast is not a normal shifter.'


'My shape is not of a normal werewolf. I'm a Lycanthrope.'

This was the moment when every spoken word had to be very carefully chosen. But I did not have to worry about that because I did not have any words to share at all. It could have been because Alex stared at me as if his life depended on me, or the fact that I had no idea what Lycanthrope was. One way or another he must have come to a realization of the both facts, that he was making me uncomfortable and that I was in the dark of all the Lycanthrope related tales. So he decided to explain himself further, not really caring about the first fact as he carried on burning a hole in my forehead.

'It's very rare.' He explained. 'To a mythical degree in fact. And it comes with cons and pros. Which one do you want to know about first, cons or pros?' When I did not say anything he carried on. 'I'll go over some pros first shall I? Because there aren't many and it will be quick.'

I found myself nodding again like a robot as he carried on with his explanation.

'I am strong.' Alex muttered as a matter of fact and I waited when he would say something else, but he never did.

'Ok. Just how strong are we talking about here?'

He raised a brow as his smirk widened.

'Strong enough.'

'Care to elaborate? I feel like you would not have brought this point up if it were not important, or at least out of ordinary.'

'Strongest.' He gave me frustratingly short answers.

'Ok, so...'

'In the world.' He finished with a smug expression and I found myself immobile as I stared at him, gapping like a fish. Damn but I must have sounded so funny when I threatened him so many times before. I must have looked like a toothpick to him.

'The world?'

'Yep.' He clicked his tongue and let the letter P ring longer.

'This is a big world.'

His smirk melted into a knowing smile and I shifted in my bed uncomfortably.

'Don't get me wrong,' I pushed my hair away from my forehead and pretended to remove an invisible spec of dust from my satin sheets, 'I believe you. I mean, I've seen you fight today.'

'That was not a fight.'

'What was it then?'

He shrugged, but never answered me. 'Any more questions?' Was he asking me this for real? I had so many questions that he would not get any sleep tonight if I had my way with him. Oh, god what was I saying? Not get any sleep? Me having my way with him? I gasped as I replayed the sentence in my head and as a very unwelcomed and disturbingly arousing thought had enter my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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