Part 9

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I had seen Alexander before being angry, annoyed, puzzled and worried, even seriously confused - on number of levels. But today, right at this very moment, as he tugged on my arm and dragged me all the way downstairs, perplexed Anna following our each step, I realized that he was a combination of all four negative emotions, which made him nothing less than a furious beast. His every move, every step, every breath was so tense and so calculated that I was afraid he would shred me into pieces if I were to utter a word. So I chose a better, a safer route of action and just followed him mutely.

When we got to the kitchen he circled the round dining table and then just stopped. It was a sudden movement and I found myself plastered across his strong back. Just before I had a chance to apologize a breath got knocked out of me as somebody crushed into ME.

'Sorry.' Anna muttered behind my shoulder. I just gave her a swift nod and returned my attention to a fuming bull in front of me.

'Anna!' He roared and I jumped. He stood there quietly for a second and then, as if to comfort me and apologize for his manhandling and foul mood, he eased his grip on my hand, just enough to move his fingers and then rubbed his thumb up and down my petite palm. This small, almost impractical action set a fire to my insides as I stared down at our linked hands. But the soft side of him, which seemed to have been a size of a teaspoon - dwindling by a second, changed again and the brutality took over for good. He was acting like a typical British weather now – unpredictable and moody.

'Yes, Alpha.' Anna, behind me, muttered.

'Go and get her parents!'
'Of course. Oh and Alpha?' Alex just looked at her impatiently. 'HE will need to know about this.'
Alex growled and moved an inch towards her, but then he stopped, blinked as the new realisation hit him and gave Anna a court nod. And I though, as I stared at both of them, that I would do my very best to find out who this mysterious persons was whom they kept vaguely referring to all the time.

Alex said nothing more. Neither did Anna. She just turned around with a nod and left the kitchen through the back door, leading to my garden where people were still blissfully happy getting drunk.

We did not talk for generous five minutes. But five minutes I thought was all that I could afford to control my blabbering mouth.

'Um...' I cleared my throat to get his attention. 'May I ask what is going on?' He was silent. He gazed through the window, holding my hand, his back behind me. 'At least tell me why you told me to pack my bags.' All he did was shake his head. 'Not that you gave me the opportunity to pack them in the first place.' I muttered, thinking - not that I want to be dragged somewhere in the middle of the night.

'We will travel faster without bags.' He said. 'I am certain someone will be bale to deliver them to you later.'


He turned around, never actually losing the contact between our hands, and looked at me. His eyes had a whole new light into them suddenly and I could not put a finger on what it was exactly. He no longer looked just angry and worried, he looked somewhat sad.

'What?' I asked, my voice trembling for some reason.

Alex took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He took another deep breath and this time shut his eyes, but only momentarily.

'It MUST be done!' He thundered.


Alex became anxious of something. His body tensed up and his foot began to make tapping sounds on the floor.

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