Part 5

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HIIIIII Kids :) I have finally finished Chapter 5. I really hope that you will like it. It will be intense from this point onwards - I promise :) Please vote - will mean soooo much. And pleaseeee comment. It does help me. Event the negative ones :) P.S. Picture of Anna is UP

I thought I would drop on my knees and start melting away when I heard his voice. Before, it was deep and husky. Now, it was almost possesed by some demonic power. It delighted my ears as it worked its way down to my throat and chest and straight into my heart and then with an invisable claws it grabbed on my soul and tore it away from me, leaving me like an empty statue in front of him.

My right foot, with which I had been struggling for the past 30 seconds or so, began to move again, but to my great disappointment quite backwards. My mind willed it to move forwards while my heart gave quite opposite order - to make a turn and face him. So, naturally, the outcome was - a total freezing phase.

'Liliy.' Mia whispered and tapped my shoulder. 'Don't you want to turn around?'

I thought it would be a disaster if I gave her the answer, because the only answer I had for anyone, especially for her, right now was a strident scream, or quite well deserved punch.

I took a deep breath. Lifted my chin up. Blinked few times - mostly to get my sight working again. And then I did the unthinkable. I turned around and with a raised brow I said a very casual, 'hi.'

From the corner of my eye I saw Mia, biting her lip and James, looking from Mia to me. I also saw how she grabbed onto James's arm and how he flinched, but never actually moved an inch. I would have been forever grateful to Mia if she just took James away from Alpha. I knew all too well how overly protective he could get and how very little he appreciated James's skills and efforts to save me, simply because James was a man. Alphas did not like to be challenged.

To my great disappointment neither Mia, nor James seemed to want to budge.

'You came.' I blurted out. Grand Lily - you perfect idiot. I scolded myself. Honestly I wanted to boot myself. Why did I have to make it sound as if I had been waiting for him with great anticipation? Idiot!

'I did.' Was all his response. Two pathetic words. Still my wolf was going mental inside me. Perhaps it was not a bad idea that he did not speak too much. This way I had to listen less of his sexy, extremely possessive voice and be less miserable.

Just between my last thought and the chance to take in the fresh air into my lungs he closed the distance between us and trapped my face with his large hands. James moved forward in a protective manner, but Mia held him back. I was most appreciative of them both.

Alexander stared at me as if it was the very first time we had ever met. His eyes held what seemed like a bottomless sadness into them and for a moment he looked as if he was about to tear me into thousands of pieces. But then his face melted and he shut his eyes briefly and then rested his forehead against mine. My wolf was no longer howling with annoyance. She was purring with pleasure. My human on the other hand could not wait to push him away and just run for her life. Not because she disapproved of his closeness. Oh, no - quite the contrary.

'It's you.' I heard him murmur then and although very intrigued as to what he referred to I did not question him. Yet. 'I see you. And it's you.'

'We will leave you alone.' I thought I heard Mia from my left. I also thought I heard some protesting grumbling noises from James that had disappeared as the seconds ticked away. 'You have freckles on your nose.' He told me. His odd declaration was so sudden that I barely had time to react. He moved his head back, increasing the distance between our heads and narrowed his eyes at me. 'Interesting.' He told me.

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