Chapter 15

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Liliana's POV

I woke up to hushed whispers that were numerous in numbers and pitches. Few of these voices seemed to be infused with great amount of fear, whilst I could detect some worry in others. But there was one very distinctive voice, slightly louder then the rest that vibrated in one emotion and one emotion only. Anger! And I did not have to open my eyes and sit up to see whom this voice belonged to.

'How long?'

'Alpha, she will be awake very soon. Any minute now.'

'You said that an hour ago, in fact, if I recall correctly you said the exact same thing a day ago as well.'

'I'm sorry. I understand that this is frustrating, but her body is exhausted and she has responded to drugs very well.' Female voice with a slight quiver said.

'Responded well? She has been out like a day light for 2 days straight. That's 48 hours. Not 1, or 2, or 3; not even 20, but 48! Tell me Ana, when you say responded well, do you mean THIS?!'

There was a very long pause and I felt like this was the perfect opportunity for my interference. I have forced my eyes open into slits and began sitting up in bed, but found myself flopping back on the soft level of the matrass as my arms gave out on me. Just when I thought that I had found more strength inside me to give another attempt at getting up, I felt a pair of steel arms around me, pushing me further into the mattress.

'Don't move. Stay still.' Were his orders. 'Anna!'

Anna was instantly at my side as she began to feel my forehead with her cool and smooth fingers. This brute must have scared her a lot the way her hands were shaking.

'Luna?' She murmured and I was dying to tell her that I was not her Luna, or anyone else's for that matter, but my throat was dry like a Sahara desert and refused to let my voice box produce a sound. 'Luna!' Ana said again, this time slightly firmer and louder. 'If you can hear me, please nod.' I did. 'Here, drink this, you will need lots of fluids.' She supported my head and lifted me slightly off the pillow. Just before the heavenly liquid has reached my lips I heard the glass getting knocked off her hands and smashing on the floor. Anna's gasp was echoed in the room, mimicked by few others and I have tried opening my eyes one more time, this time succeeding. 

Petrified eyes were the first thing that I saw. When I followed the gaze of these eyes I was left to stare into the two pulls of golden orbs. Oh, no, I thought almost worried, this was Alex's beast unleashed.

I cleared my throat and averted my gaze towards the nightstand where a cool jar of water was waiting for me and to my surprise, as well as to everyone else's in the room, the jar was swept off the bedside table and the water was emptied into the new glass. Next thing I knew Ana was being shoved far away from my bed and my head was being supported by the beast.

I had many things I wanted to say at this very moment, but I had to take a sip of water if I wanted to ever speak again.

'How are you feeling?'

I just sighed and this seemed to have displeased him, because he forced me to take another gulp and then another until I could see the bottom of the glass.


'Yes.' I croaked out at last, scanning the room furtively. Now that my vision had come back I could see at least 9 more people in my room, all of them staring at me as if I had grown another head on my shoulders. Alex must have felt my uneasiness, because he lowered me back onto the matrass and then turned towards my crowd of fans with a growl that gave me goose-bumps. And that's all it took. One grow, to terrify 9 people through to the core of their souls. Terrify them so badly that by the time my eyes blinked I couldn't see anyone any more. They vanished from the room as if Harry Potter had just cast a spell on them.

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