Part 8

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It's here at last!  I am sorry for the delay - have been very busy..... plealse enjoy reading it :) :) :) And COMMENT or I will stop uploading ha haaaaa 

Twenty minutes and forty-five seconds. This was the exact time I had been locked in the bathroom, sitting on the cold floor, while I rested my head against the door and counted the patterns on the walls. For the first time today I had realized that the small square tiles on my bathroom walls were not really white. They had some pink tint into them and if I stared closer I could even see some yellow. With a heavy sigh I hid my face in my hands. What the hell was I thinking about? Just how cowardly was I to sit here and study the design of the tile instead of going out and facing HIM again? The answer was – A LOT!

I checked my watch one more time and with a hope that after nearly half an hour Alex would have gotten tired of waiting for me and left my room. I got up, slowly, not to make a sound of any sort, wrapped my nightgown tighter around me and forced my hand to grab and turn the handle. I thought I would open the door quickly and emerge as a confident woman. And if he would still be in my room I would do my best to hide my surprise and quite frankly disappointment. Instead, I opened the door extremely slowly, picked my nose first and then my head and when I saw him – shirtless and barefoot, comfortably sitting in the armchair, reading what very much looked like my diary – I gasped, gulped (few times), gasped again and then with a shrill scream I ran out of the bathroom and leaped myself at him. His reaction, as always, was too calm and collected. He just let go of the pages and with a raised brow and a sarcastic twist of his lips he said: ‘You took your time.’

‘Hasn’t anyone told you that it’s uncommonly rude to snoop around?’ I clutched my diary close to my chest, breathless with worrying which page he had read. ‘Why the hell are you naked?’ I blurted out then and bit the tip of my tongue – too late.

‘Which question should I answer first?’ He said frustratingly calmly as he got up. I took a step back. It made him smile.

‘Don’t bother with the first one,’ I frowned, ‘you will either tell me that you were bored and thought it was a book of some sort, or that you are the Alpha and do not need a permission to…’


‘Answer the second question.’ I cut him short. ‘Why are you naked?’ I looked around and saw his shirt across a chair in front of my writing desk, dripping all over the carpet.

‘I thought it was obvious.’ He mused.

Of course it was – I thought. ‘Was it?’ I said out loud.

‘I was going to strip off my trousers as well, but I took pity on you.’

The thought of him stripping off of his trousers was so disturbingly tempting to my heart that I nearly opened my mouth and purred.

‘Very kind of you.’

‘I thought so too.’ He took one more step farther into the room. I held my ground. ‘I would much appreciate if you could perhaps get me one of your father’s shirts.’

‘Excuse me?’

‘Unless of course you do not mind explaining to the rest of the people outside why you have a naked man in your room.’

‘I have no man in my room, naked or otherwise.’ I spat. He made a strange swishing sound with his lips as I did so. It was a fine cross between hilarity and sarcasm.

‘Are you saying I am not wet?’

‘You know you are.’

‘Then I am not a man?’ He cleared his throat.

I SEE YOUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang