Chapter 14

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Lilliana's POV

Softness of the silk on my cheeks felt heavenly as I buried my face deeper into the pillow. I vaguely remembered a nightmare I had dreamt about – en illusion of me being taken away from my home, getting attacked first by some rogues and then by my own mate. What a load of rubbish. My mate, attacking me? Nonsense. I took a careless breath in and wriggled further down into the warmth of my bed. Until alarmed from the realization I jolted from the bed and scanned the room. White drapes, silver walls, black marble fireplace. I was definitely not in my room. All was coming back to me now. This was no dream. I did get taken away from my home and I did get attacked.

'Alexander...he.... He....' I muttered over and over again, covering my mouth with the palm of my hand as if to try and prevent the flow of the useless words. My eyelids felt very heavy, probably the after effect of the painkillers, I felt dizzy and on the verge of vomiting as I steered my head and flinched at the sudden stabbing pain in the back of my head. Bloody stiches were killing me. But I did not care. All I knew was that I had to find the way back to my pack, away from my monster of a mate. To hell with waiting for tomorrow to come. I was leaving tonight!

Shaky, like a rabbit trapped in a hole, I managed to get off the bed grabbing the bedside table like my life was depending on it. I tried but failed to shift, which made me wonder just how strong these painkillers were.

Dressed in nothing but an ankle length red satin nightgown I had forced my legs to drag me towards the enormous windows opposite my bed. I paused, took in an encouragingly large amount of air as I split opened the window and then I paused, quite impressed with the view in front of me.

Alexander's pack was located in the most beautiful place of all, completely swallowed by the forest. Mountains that were separated by deep gorges dominated the landscape of this enchanting place. Beauty of the nature had long been a common theme in life and in art, I knew this, and books emphasizing beauty of nature filled large sections of libraries and bookstores. It had been portrayed and celebrated by so much art and poetry. But, I was quite certain that no artist and no poet had ever been lucky enough to paint or to depict the kind of nature I was facing now. If they had their paintings would have been so much more beautiful, poems so much more heartfelt.

For brief of a moment I thought I was asleep, having this dream, and was unable to wake up. I closed my eyes and sucked in the fresh air one more time, my mind fuzzy and weary and then I began to climb my way down. I slipped twice, both times managing to not lose my balance; using what seemed literary the last drop of my strength inside me I have made one more jump and then another until I felt the cold ground beneath me. I looked around me furtively, but saw no one so I went for it, dashing towards the forest of tall trees, the branches of which blended with the darkness of the sky, hosting the silver moon and the golden stars.

It was probably the first time in my life when I was not sure what to do. I always seemed too certain in my actions and rarely changed my decisions.

Never the less, I had not once allowed the thought of giving up. I had to leave this place!

I may have not been able to shift as was still very much drugged from the sleeping pills that Anna had given me, but my human form was in a good shape, so I ran, towards the brightness spot in the forest, but somehow, somewhere I'd go wrong and ended up back where I'd started. It was getting more and more challenging to move around the trees as I went deeper and deeper. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts of what happened earlier that I was not paying proper attention to the trail I was following. I took turning after turning, through the trees and bushes and thorns and spikes, sweating with the mixture of exertion and nerves. Small rocks crunched under my feet and muddy water lapped over the tops of them as I slogged through the dark space.

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