Chapter 13

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Ok my lovely fans. Here is on more chapter up for you. Please please comment and vote and come back to read my story :) :) xxxxxxx

Alexander's POV


No! I have not just done that! I have not just hurt my own mate. Mate, who I've searched for my entire life, mate who was my angel, my other half, my everything. I did not just ruin the one chance I had with her, ripped my life in half, tore every happy thought and kind words exchanged between us. This was not true. This could not have been true.

I kept running in the dense woods until I felt my paws go week, trembling as I leaped from one rock to another. As the maddening twister, fuelled by pure rage  swallowed me I found my head thrown back, almost touching the length of my spine and I let out a soul churning howl and another and another and another..... until my throat felt sore and my  head giddy. And then I gave up to my tiredness and my skin surfaced above the ocean of black fur.  I slumped on the ground, drenched in cold sweat taking deep breaths to calm my self down. I raised myself so I sat on my knees, resting my fisted hands on my thighs and hung my head low.

'I know you are there, Ben.' I growled without moving a muscle. 'Come out!'

Not questioning my order Ben had left his hideout as I heard tree branches twist and crunch beneath his feet.

'I've brought you these.' I heard him say. Instantly I got up and grabbed the trousers he had offered me. When I was descent enough I turned around to see disappointed scowl on Ben's face and almost angry frown of Bernard.

When did he get here? I thought.

'What happened?' Ben asked me.

'You were there.' I snapped. 'You should know.'

'I was not asking about that. I was asking about...' He heaved a heavy sigh and slid his hands in his pockets. 'Well, I guess I was asking about that as well.' He muttered. 'But how....why....why?'

'I don't want to talk about it.'

'You are kidding me.' Bernard joined the conversation. 'You don't want to talk about the fact that you nearly killed your own mate?'

The way the air decided to get stuck in my throat I thought I would choke right there in the forest. My heart squeezed inside my chest. It was painful, too painful. So painful in fact that I had to tightly clutch my chest before hitting it few times with the palm of my hand.

'What's he done?' I have managed to murmur, each word making me feel sick to my stomach.

'Nothing good, as usual.' Bernard took couple of steps towards me and probably still unsure about my stable state he stopped closer to Ben.

'I know that.' I snapped at him and Ben shifted his weights from his left leg to his right one, somewhat covering Bernard's vulnerable state. 'I know that he had lost his temper again. I can feel it every bloody time he does so,' I roared, 'but I never remember the words that are exchanged, never remember the looks on peoples faces. I never know how to amend the mistakes... the mess he makes.'

'This time it was different.' Ben told me.


'Not because she was your mate.'


'He lost control too soon. He was livid. He saw red. You completely gave into him. Your eyes were golden colour.'

'How? Why?' I whispered mostly to myself.

'It may have something to do with what she said.'

'What did she say?'

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