"No, I won't. I never attend such events. So will you?"

"Oh yes... I will. I attend almost every year because of my parents." She sighed in relaxation probably because she thought I won't be there.

"Okay good. I hope you enjoy there. Sorry for disturbing you. Go to sleep now."

".... yeah good bye." She still sounded deep in thought.


I told dad that I was coming and he was beyond shocked and happy because all this time he forced me to go there but I never bugged.

It was held at the biggest hotel in New york so obviously everything was going to be fancy. I took a shower wore my black tuxedo with white shirt and black necktie, black Armani shoes and did my hair neatly. When I was done I still kept looking at myself in the mirror just to make sure that I was looking fine. Natalie is coming!

I drove to the venue and was quite nervous. What if she changed her mind? No..... you have to come angel. Please!!!

I entered in the hall and my eyes started searching for particular someone but she was nowhere. I kept looking and started moving forward. Then I saw her.

Purest form of beauty! Black sleeveless top reaching her thighs with black stockings and black ankle heels. Golden necklace around her neck complimenting her prominent beauty bone, her long dark brown wavy hair falling either side of her shoulders. Her makeup was done gorgeously. Long thick eyelashes, red lipstick was complimenting her milky skin tone and plump lips... shit!!! How am I gonna control today? !!! She was talking with my parents and they all were laughing including her parents.


I walked towards her and finally reaching a little closer, I stood next to her silently. She felt someone's presence and stopped talking. Then she turned around and her eyes widened in shock. I smiled at her reaction.

"Hello everyone. Oh Natalie, you're also here."
I pretended like I just saw her now. In return of which she glared at me with angry eyes. I chuckled lightly at that.

"You remember Natalie?" Dad asked in confusion.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I? We are friends." I said in a matter of fact tone. I felt her eyes boring a hole in my face but I didn't bother. I loved it instead that she was at least looking at me.

"Wow, you both are friends? Natalie,  why didn't you tell me?" Mr. Williams spoke still unsure of the situation,  looking at her.

"Oh! You didn't tell them? I'll tell you uncle. She kept on forcing me to be her friend for one whole month. She even followed me everywhere so I finally said yes." I sighed like I accepted her request unwillingly.

"Y-you...." She spoke in complete shock and anger but dad cut her in middle. I was still smirking at her reaction. Her angry red face. She was looking like a tigeress who would tear me apart any minute.

Baby I am more than willing to be torn apart by you!

"I don't believe that. Why don't you tell me Natalie?" Dad said in a confident tone not believing a word of mine. She looked at me then laughed sarcastically. 

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