Cil X Reader X Pj

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Omg guys im so so so so so so sooooooo sorry!!!! Ive noticed that I've been doing A/Ns WAAAYY too much!! its been a while since i've posted a chapter! I was so busy doing my other book! Aaaaannnyway! Lets get started shaallll weeee????? Yes i knooowww no video ;-; our wifi was a bitch so imma just deal with it.. sorry againnn!

(Also, you can choose whoever you want at the end!!)

(I made this yesterday but the wifi refused to publish this chappie T^T)

(3rd person's pov)

It all started a WAAAAAYYYY back, when you were a kid actually, you've met a black skeleton in the playground. And the very first thing you've said to him was "Are You a girl?"

The black skeleton laughed and patted your head, he was the same age as you but slightly taller. "Nope im not! Silly! Im Cil! Whats your name?" Cil says cheerfully.

"My name is (JEFF!😂 if you get the reference, okay i'll stop now!)

Ehem... as i was saying "My name is Y/N! Nice to meet you Cwil! Can we bwe fwiends?" You exclaimed.

"NO! i wan't to be your husband!" Cil says JOCKingly (😂😂😂 I CANT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!!! HELLPPP MEEE!!!)

"Cwil! We have to bwe fwiends fiwst befowe we get mawwied!!" Y/N says while giggling. "Alright... Cmmon'! Lets play with my big brother and his friends!!" Cil says "okway!!" You reply

(Get ready to be crushed with arokableness... yes adorkable..)

(YOUR pov)

I was pwayig with cwil and his big bwother his name is pwejay (pj), he's scawwy VERY scawy! He scawes me so much! I hate it!

I was hugging cwil from the back because pwejay is scawy!! "Pj! Don't scare Y/N!" Cwil says while tearing up "alright, alright! Don't cry about it! Geez! Please don't cry! Dad's gonna kill me!" The big meanie says

"Then carry Y/N while acting like a chicken!" Cwil says, "WHAT?! NO!" Pwejay says, Cwil tears up again "okay,okay! I get it! Don't cry! All i have to do is act like a chicken while carrying Y/N right!?" Cil nodded.

Undwine and bepwe (bp) snickered at the ba.. bakawnd.. no thats not it ba-bac..(BACKGROUND! Geez....) Ahh! I remember now! Its bwackgwownd! (Your welcome dumbass -_- 😂)

Pwejay sqwats down, telling me to cwimb his bwack. I did what he told me to do and he stands up "COCKLE-DOODLE-DOO!!" Pwejay says while jumping around wike an idiot.

I was laughing so dwoes evewyone, he got tired and pwut me down, i hugged him and kissed his chweek "I love you pwejay!" I swaid

He looked away and blushed "Tch! Whatever! It was for cil". He says while cwossing his arms. Cil was gwawing (glaring) at pwejay. I wonder why..

"But that was a rooster not a chicken!!" I said pwejay looked at me and said "whatever its still the same!!" We all laughed like a happy famiwy (family -.-")

We do this evewyday! And we become besties! We go to the pway gwound and have fun!

Mama and pwapa is pwowd (proud..) of me fow (for ._.) making fwiends!

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