Chapter 25: She's crazy

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It had been nearly six more hours before Derek was stirring and letting out a small groan of pain. Everyone was now on alert looking at Derek as he opened his eyes. "Hey sourwolf " I said in a quiet tone not wanting to be loud in case he was in pain. Derek gave me a small smile. I could tell that everyone was very relieved that Derek was open. Now we just have to wait for Derek to be let out of the hellhole

*************one week later *****************

"Okay Derek you gotta take it easy okay." The doctor said strictly Derek nodded I could tell he was getting restless I don't know if it was because of the full moon or just because he was hating this place. "I understand can I leave now?" He questioned. The doctor nodded with a small smile. Derek and me also the family left. I could tell Cora was a little restless too so I guess it was the full moon.

We reached the hale house and everyone was walking into the house. It was around eight so the sun was setting. Talia and Nate lead Cora and Derek to the basement where there was chains attached to the wall. I looked at it with a horrified look while Derek and Cora were completely calm. "how are you guys not freaking out?!?" I asked as I am freaking out. Derek laughed as he took off his shirt and Nate put the chains on his wrists and ankles. "Stiles we have heard what this was going to be like for our entire life." Derek says as he is settled. "Oh " is all I could muster up while I see my boyfriend chained to a wall.

Derek just smiles, "just saying I really don't like this," I say as I sit in front of Derek. Derek laughed while looking at me. "Would you rather I claw your eyes out when I lose control?" Derek said he smirked when he saw my face turn white as a ghost. I shook my head while speaking " naw I think I would like my face intact thank you very much."

It wasn't too long before the sun went down and the twins started to get fidgety. Talia stood by my side as I sat on the ground far enough away not to be killed but far enough away to feel safe too.

It wasn't even 30 minutes before I saw Derek and Cora's eyes suddenly turn the beta gold. I could see the razor sharp teeth also the claws. They started to growl and let me tell you that's not a soothing sound. As I watch Derek struggle to get the chains off, when suddenly his eyes met mine. I could see that he was very interested in me, it was written very clearly in his eyes.

Talia crouched down beside me. "Hey Stiles?" She asked in a whisper tone. "Yeah?" I replied in the same tone. "Do you trust me?" She asked I looked at her very confused why she would be asking me this. "Yeah. Why are you asking this?" She gave me a tight smile before speaking. "Derek hasn't taken his eyes off you since he noticed you here so I want to do a little experiment". I look at her jaw slack before speaking.

"Talia this isn't chemistry class!" I exclaimed. Talia chuckled before speaking. "Stiles I know that but I want to try something. Okay?" She asked. I sighed before nodding. "Okay can you move closer to Derek if he tries something I will be there to pull you back. Okay I'm faster than he is so you won't have to worry. "I look at her like she's crazy but do it anyway. As I crept closer to Derek, I could feel the nerves coming in. I could see Derek trying to get closer and sniff me but the chains didn't allow it. I look back at Talia for approval to keep going.

She gave me a quick nod clearly very interested as to why Derek wasn't trying to rip out my throat. I was only a couple inches from Derek as he managed to stretch close enough to get his face in the crock of my neck. I could feel the sharpness of his teeth as he shoved his head into my neck. I saw Talia look at us with a smile as Derek continued to sniff me. Finally, his lifted his head and muttered ' Mate '. I look at Talia who has a giant smile on her face. Derek put his face back into my neck. He stayed there for the rest of the night.

When the sun rose, they unchained both the twins before we all went upstairs for some breakfast. "So Derek you now know that Stiles is your mate. Do you remember what we taught you about mates?" Talia asks as she sits down next to her husband. "Yeah you said that my mate will keep me grounded and that I will be with them forever," Derek said as he ate his breakfast.

"Yeah and Stiles is yours" Talia said and Derek looked over at me with. Giant smile before giving me a big hug. "I wouldn't have it any other way. I love Stiles and I extremely happy to call him my mate." I give him a big kiss before speaking "I wouldn't hand it any other way. Sourwolf I love you and I am glad you won't be able to get rid of me now." Stiles said with a smile as they all finished there breakfast.

•••••••••••••••••5 years later ••••••••••••••••••••••

"Derek you need to grab Brandon from your moms when you get off work!" I shouted to Derek as he ran upstairs trying to get ready for work. He just yelled back an 'Okay '. Derek and I went to the same college Derek majoring in architecture and me in education. I currently teach at beacon hills elementary and Derek works for a big company in the city. Just last year Derek and I adopted a little 4-month-old boy that we named Brandon Hale. And yes, we did get married before that it was a nice small and intimate moment for the both of us. As Derek rushed off to work not without giving me a peck on the lips before he bolted out the door. I have a surprise for Derek when he gets home. I just recently had the call that we will be adopting a beautiful 2-month-old little girl. And I know Derek will be thrilled he always wanted a little princess. As of right now, I could not ask for a better life than the one I got now. 

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