Chapter 8: Parents

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There was a slight knock at Derek's bedroom door. I looked down at the sleeping Derek on my chest. I tried to wiggle out of his grip but every time I try to move, his grip only gets tighter. Like he is holding on for dear life, I just gave up.

"Come in" I say a loud as I could without waking Derek. As the door of his room I look to see who it was, I was shocked when it was both his parents who walked in to his room. The look on their faces was of pure sadness when they saw the state of their son.

Talia walked in while Nathaniel closed the door. They both sat on the bed beside me. "Cora told us what happened we just wanted to see if he was okay." Nathaniel said while looking at his broken-hearted boy. "Sorry I would have come down but every time I try to get up his grip just gets tighter." I say to his parents. They both give me a small smile, Talia looks like she could cry at the sight of her son in Stiles arms sleeping away with pink cheeks and tear marks on his rosy cheeks.

"Don't apologize Stiles. I appreciate you calming him down, has he come out to the school?" She asks as she looks from his face to mine.

"No he hasn't and I don't think he will any time soon. The people at our school don't expect gay people. I would know. Once they know they Bully you it's what they do. Derek saw what they do to me, and I think it scares him that they could treat him the same way." I say with a sad sigh at the end.

"You're gay too?" Mr. Hale asked me with a curious look to him

I let a little chuckle out and nod, "yeah I came out last year at school and let's just say I don't think Derek wants the same treatment I get from some people" I look up at them. Derek stirred in his sleep moving so his head was in the crook of my neck. As he did this, all I could do is let a little smile form on my face. I looked at Derek's parents they smiled at me.

"I can help Derek with his coming out when he is ready though, but it's not going to help him if we pressure him to come out" I say while I look at them. "Thank you Stiles" Talia said as she kissed my forehead. Nathaniel just patted my shoulder with a smile, not soon, after they left my eyes started to feel heavy. Soon enough I drifted into a peaceful sleep, little did I know my phone was left down stairs and I have a now very worried father on my hands.

"Talia what is that buzzing?" Nathaniel asked his wife as they entered the kitchen. They both look around until they found Stiles phone with 10 missed calls from dad. "Nathaniel I found a phone I think it's Stiles. His dad is calling I'm going answer and invite him if you don't mind" Talia said looking towards her husband. "No go ahead." He said with a smile. Talia answered the phone "hello" she said with a sweet tone hello why do you have my son's phone, and where is my son he said sounding worried. "Mr. Stilinski don't worry Stiles is okay he's at my house with my son and daughter, but we would like to invite you to dinner if you don't mind" Talia asked him while checking on the food. All right, where do you guys live he said with less concern knowing his son is okay. Talia gave him the directions and he said he was going to be there shortly.

Once Stiles' dad got to the door still in his sheriff uniform he knocked on the door. That is when Cora answered the door with a smile. Soon he was swarmed by children just like Stiles is normally. "Hello Mr. Stilinski, I'm Cora your son was my first friend once we moved here." She said while shaking his hand. "Please call me John, where are your parents Cora?" He asked then Cora showed him the way to where her parents are.

"Thank you Cora now please go entertain your siblings before they wake Derek please," Nathaniel said to his daughter giving her a kiss on her head. She just nodded and headed out of where her parents are. "Hello Mr. Stilinski, my name is Nathaniel and this is my wife Talia," Nathaniel said while shaking his hand. "Hello please call me John," John said with a smile "if you don't mind me asking where is my son, and why wasn't he answering his phone," John asked with concern in his voice. Talia stood and said, "Please follow me I want to show you," she said and gesturing for him to follow. Once they reached Derek's bedroom door she opened it to show Derek sleeping with his face in the crook of Stiles neck still and Stiles head resting on the top of Derek's their legs intertwined. Talia walked in and put a blanket over the two teens, as they stayed asleep.

John had a smile on his face when he saw his son hugging this other boy in his sleep. John and Talia soon returned downstairs. They sat at the table with Nathaniel, Talia soon told John what happened with Derek and that Stiles was there to calm him down. John looked proud of his son as the words coming out of Talia and Nathaniel's mouth. "So your son's gay too?" John asked while both of Derek's parents nodded. "And my boy said that he would help Derek with his coming out at school when he is ready. Am I right" he said they both just nod again and with that, the two boys come into the kitchen.

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