Chapter 18: Code huckleberry

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"Boyfriend!" They squealed so loudly I thought my ears were doing to fall off. I looked at Derek seeing him with the same expression. "Guys calm down! I think my ears are bleeding." Derek said while placing his face in the crook of my neck. Causing the others to coo as if we were babies. Chris I believe pulled Derek off me. Causing Derek to whine and stick his arms out for me to save him as if he was a toddler. "Derek you have a boyfriend!" Paige said walking up to me as she was a predator and I was her meal. Which I found very uncomfortable.

"Let me go!" Derek shouted and fought against his friends. Who now included Sam and Chris but also Jake. While Kyle and Paige were walking towards me, "you're the new boyfriend?" Kyle asked me with a tilt of his head. He was sort of reminding me off Scott. "Umm... yes I am. Nice to meet you guys "I said with a smile as my back hit the wall. "If you hurt him I'll skin you alive." Paige said with a cheeky smile stunning me for a second. I looked towards Derek who is continuing to fight against his friend's grips. I hear Derek shout mom as the boys continue to hold him and the rest of them is cornering me. Once Talia enters the room I see, her eyes flash the alpha red for a moment before returning to their original green. "Boys!" She said with authority dripping from her tone. We all look towards her as she speaks again "you will release my son and back away from Stiles that includes you too Paige" she said as everyone obeys her orders.

Derek once released from his friend grips ran towards me, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. "Sorry about them. They know how hard the Ryan debacle was on me," he whispered into my ear before releasing me from his arms much to my discomfort. "It's okay, I'm fine. I also understand why they would be so protective over you. They're good friends for looking out for you," I said as I took his hand into mine. He gave me a grateful smile "are you guys going to stay for dinner or head home," Talia asked Derek's friends as we all move towards the living room.

The boys look towards each other having one of those silent conversations. "Sorry Mrs. T we got football practice. And Paige is our ride." Jake said with a sad look. "But Der you should come the team really misses you. Maybe you could throw around a ball with us while your here. You know what I'm not giving you the choice," he said with a devilish smirk before turning to the others. "Code huckleberry is a go!" Jake shouted right before the three boys lifted Derek up off his feet. "Hey Mrs. T we're stealing Derek he will be back before night fall and we're going to feed him too do don't worry about him!" Paige shouted as Derek is hauled off as he is muttering profanities. Paige looped an arm through mine.

I look over to see her with a beaming smile. Just as I hear Talia call out and ' okay!' I see the boys throwing Derek in the back of the cab of the truck. I climbed into it after followed by Chris Sam Jake and Paige as Kyle is the driver. Derek still muttering profanities as the truck speeds down the road over to the high school.

Once we arrived at the school, I had to notice that it is huge. And the field in plain view. I could see the team doing sprints. I look at Derek he has a small smile on his face as he grabs my hand and pulls me to the players. Chris screams "Hales back!" And all the heads turn to us there is a course of whooping and yeahs! As so many of the boys run towards us I let go of Derek's hand not wanting to be crushed my very many football boys. There are some boys looking at us dumbstruck. I think there freshman.

The coach blows his whistle and all the boys step away from Derek. The coach has a big smile as he pulls Derek into a big hug "good to see you kid, how's it going?" He asked as he let him go. "Good. Thanks coach!" Derek said with a beaming smile. Out of nowhere there is a football launched at Derek as we hear his name being called. Derek turned just in time to catch the ball with a laugh. "Go far Matt!" He yelled as he took his stance and the ball went flying down the field in a perfect spiral. Landing perfectly in the other boys hands.

"Hale do you mind giving the new quarterback some pointers?" The coach who I have yet to learn his name asked. "Sure not a problem I just got to get Stiles settled on the bench with Paige but I'll be on the field in a couple minutes." He said turning to me. I don't know who it was. But someone spoke up "who's Stiles and why is he here?" I think it was Matt but can't be too sure. "Stiles is my very lovely boyfriend and he can with me from beacon hills for the summer," Derek explained and they all turned their heads to me in question. I squeaked out a "hi" and all there faced formed a big smile. "Derek! You got a new boyfriend?" Someone asked and he gave a shy smile. One of my favorite smiles. "I do" he said as someone else spoke up "way to go man!" They all congratulated him and Derek pulled me into his side causing the team to awe. I swear they acted worse than the girls at school when they found out all gushy and stuff it's somewhat gross if I was honest. We walked over to the bleachers I sat down with Derek beside me.

Falling for the quarterback. ( Sterek story) -CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now