Auston Matthews - Part Twenty-Seven

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My phone rings as I climb back into my car after getting groceries. Looking at the caller ID, Alex's name flashes across the screen and I answer.

"Hey girl," I say, putting her on speaker phone as I start my car up.

"Hey! How's it going?" Alex says, overly cheerful like usual when she calls me nowadays since I let slip that Auston and I actually went on our first date over three weeks ago. Ever since then she has been all over me.

"Everything is great!" I say, my mind wandering to last night and my cheeks flush.

"Going to the game tonight?" Alex asks.

"Unfortunately, no. Riley, my lab partner is coming over because we are way behind... or so he says," I grumble into the phone, pulling out into traffic.

"Riley is a boy?"

"Yeah?" I make a face. "Why?"

"Where are you working?" Alex asks, ignoring my own question.

"My house, why?" I ask again.

"Is Auston okay with that?"

"Um I didn't ask him permission because he's not my mother?" I snap into the receiver. "What is with you? I'm twenty-one years old, I think I can decide things on my own without asking my nineteen year old boyfriend."

"Whoa calm down, I didn't mean to upset you... Auston is just well... he can be a jealous person," Alex says quickly, clearly not wanting my temper directed her way, even if she is hundreds of miles away.

"There is not a single thing to be jealous about. I've gone to every home game since I moved to Toronto, I think he will be okay if I miss one due to school," I sigh into the phone, rolling my eyes.

"I know, I'm just telling you. I doubt that if Auston knew that your partner was a boy..." she starts and as if she can feel my temper rising through the phone she quickly changes the subject to the boy that Breyana is currently pinning after.

My mind stays on the previous conversation though. Would Auston be mad? I don't think so, he doesn't have a single thing to be jealous about...


Alex's voice breaks me out of my trance and I wonder if the light I just passed under was green or not.

"What?" I ask.

"I asked you if you've gotten anymore charms for your bracelet yet," Alex laughs through the phone.

"Oh," my eyes flash to my wrist and back to the road. "No, I haven't. Didn't really think about it actually. You know me, I would need to get two so that it's balanced," I say.

"True, forgot you're my little OCD baby," Alex teases through the phone and I scowl at the road.

"Well I'm almost home so..." I trail and I can practically feel her roll her eyes at me through the phone.

"Fine, I'll talk to you later," Alex says and we hang up after saying goodbye right as I pull into my driveway.

I spend my morning color coding my notes and organizing everything that Riley and I will need for this evening. Glancing at the clock which is showing 3:45, I guess that my mom is done with work for the day and call her. Just like I do every day.

Auston Matthews ImagineUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum