Auston Matthews - Part Nineteen

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We spend the rest of the afternoon lounging around Auston's apartment. Alex and Breyana are hanging onto their brother's every word, knowing they will be leaving him tomorrow and not knowing the next time they will be able to come up and see him. I feel a bit of guilt for having him to myself so much, especially the last few days.

I find myself staring at Auston several times, taking in his laugh and how he interacts with his sisters and parents. My phone buzzes with an email around dinner time, I open the email and see it's from the professor for the university, my stomach plummets and it must show on my face because I feel a hand on my knee and the warmth that spreads throughout me tells me it's Auston's.

"You okay?" He asks softly, the rest of his family distracted by Mrs. Matthews ordering them around in the kitchen.

I give him a tight smile and nod once, he doesn't buy it but he doesn't push the issue. I excuse myself and step out onto the balcony to read the email.

Dear Miss. (Y/N),

I hope to hear from you in the next 24 hours about your decision. Please know that everyone here at the University is at your disposal if you have any questions or concerns. We think that you would be a fantastic addition here and eagerly await your answer.

It's signed by the professor I met with and even though the entire email is three sentences long it weights as much as a dictionary. I let out a long sigh and place my phone back in my pocket, resting my hands on the railing and leaning against it. The stars aren't out yet and I desperately wish they were. I hear the slider open behind me and I turn, not ready to have company but it's just Auston holding out a sweatshirt to me and I realize I came out here with just my t-shirt on. I eye it warily, looking for a certain logo on the front and he seems to know what I'm looking for.

"It's my USA one, Y/N," he huffs at me, though there's an amused expression on his face. "It won't bite you."

I give in and take the sweatshirt from him, giving him a small smile and his face falls, seeing that I'm upset. Though he seems to know that I wish to be alone because he slowly slides the door closed again. I hold the hoodie out in front of me and see the familiar USA logo, I turn it around see the name Matthewssprawled across the back. I stare at it a moment before pulling it on, it fits surprisingly well and I realize it must be an older one. I inhale deeply, thankful that I'm facing away from the apartment because I can feel several pairs of eyes on me.

A strange sense of comfort falls over me and I hug my arms around myself, swimming in Auston's scent. I again marvel at the fact that he was able to comfort me without saying more than a few words to me or touching me.

I give myself a few more moments to compose myself before walking back inside, not wanting Mrs. Matthews to once again think that I'm upset.

No one asks me about the message and I don't offer to tell. I take my seat at the table across from Auston and feel his foot nudge mine, I nudge it back before moving my knee so it's against his calf. I feel my face heat up from the simple touch and I hide my smile by shoving a pile of food into my mouth.

Alex is next to me and she quickly engages me in conversation and for the first time since my meeting, I feel myself completely relax, surrounded by people that I care so much about and I realize that no matter what I decide tomorrow, they will always support me. Dinner drags on, Mrs. Matthews really going all out for our last night in Toronto and by the time we get to dessert my pants are unbuttoned and a crane is going to have to come and pick me up.

I stare at my bracelet and twist my wrist so that a shower of sparkles rains down on the table. I eye the charms closely again, and a memory from my first night in Toronto comes rushing back. I remember grinning across the restaurant table at Auston and telling him that I have a week to find him a thank you present. I purse my lips and twist again, watching the sparkles, an idea forming in my head.

Auston Matthews ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now