Auston Matthews - Part Five

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Somewhere along the fifteen minute drive back to Auston's apartment I doze off. Stuck somewhere between conscious and unconsciousness my body is completely relaxed yet I can hear the quiet talking coming from the front seat.

"Is she already sleeping? We literally just turned out of the parking lot?" Mr. Matthews whispers.

"I'm not surprised, she worries herself into exhaustion. I can't wait for her meeting to over so she can finally relax. Even without her books and computer in front of her you can see her mind constantly moving..." Mrs. Matthews whispers back, I can feel her eyes on my face. "She forgets she's only twenty-one years old sometimes."

My heart lurches in my chest at the love and concern I can hear in her voice. I resist the urge to open my eyes and take her hand.

"You look like a good pillow, Auston," Mrs. Matthews whispers even quieter.

Auston lets out an amused sigh, I can feel his body shift slightly next to me and his flexes his hand against the back of my knee. It's then that I realize that my head is no longer on the headrest but on his shoulder. I fight the urge to jerk away from him which results in me doing a weird twitch thing. I'm literally wrapped around a boy I just met two hours ago. I keep my eyes closed but feel my face heat up, thankful that it's dark in the car.

No one says anything else the rest of the car ride. Once we pull up outside his building, Auston shakes me knee gently. My eyes flutter open and I lift my head off his shoulder, thankful that I at least didn't drool at all. I give Auston my best apologetic look and receive a wink from him in response. My stomach summersaults and I quickly stand as best I can so Auston can climb out and I follow after, helping the others grab our bags before hurrying inside.

Entering Auston's apartment can't help but show my surprise. Having expected a typical bachelor pad, complete with cold white walls and bold accents, instead there are warm colors and soft lighting. Instantly I'm reminded of my trips to Arizona to stay with Alex, which I'm sure was the idea.

Alex shows me around quickly and then shuts herself in the bathroom down the hall by Mr. and Mrs. Matthew's bedroom. Auston and Mr. Matthews get to work setting up the pull out couch. Thankfully it's long and there will be just enough room for Alex, Breyana and I to sleep comfortably. I dig out my shower bag and a clean set of clothes and jump into the bathroom the second Alex opens the door.

I stand for several minutes under the heat of the shower. Letting the water wash away all of today's travels, wishing for the butterflies in my stomach to disappear down the drain as well. I don't know how much time passes before there's a knock at the door and I hear Breyana's voice.

"Y/N, can I come in? I need to brush my teeth."

"Yeah, of course," I shout back and quickly grab at the shampoo and get to washing my hair.

I hear the door open and close again and the sound of the water tap running. I stand there rising my hair of conditioner as I contemplate what I'm about to ask her.

"Hey, Breyana?"


I pause a moment before continuing. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Why are you and Alex... and apparently your mom, so set on... ya know...?" I trail off, not really sure if I want a straight answer or not. Instead all I hear is the water running in my shower. I frown and poke my head out of the side of the curtain to see her still standing in front of the sink with her mouth is full of tooth paste. She grins at me in the mirror and I roll my eyes at her before retreating back into the shower. The brat.

Auston Matthews ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now