Auston Matthews - Part Thirteen

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I sit in the SUV by myself for quite a while, which I expected and very much wanted. I hadn't had a moment alone in over three days, even when I'm in the shower, there is usually someone in the bathroom with me. I settle back in my seat and close my eyes. The last three days have been an absolute whirlwind; I got the deal of a lifetime but I'm too big of a chicken shit to take a chance, I may or may not be crushing on my best friend's brother and I may be thinking things about said brother that I really shouldn't and to top it all off I keep overreacting to every single thing I encounter.

I let out a frustrated scream and then quickly look around the parking ramp to make sure no one thinks I'm being murdered.

No matter how much I try to think about something else, Auston always takes my mind. I know it's exactly what Alex and Breyana wanted, but I'm not so sure it's what Auston wants, no matter how he may look at me. He's nineteen years old and killing it in the NHL, there's no way he wants just one person and I refuse to be someone he uses and then tosses away. Although, I know Mrs. Matthews would beat the shit out of him if he ever did.

I think about that for a moment. Auston wouldn't dare try and do that to me, I decide. I'm too close to his family and even he knows there is no way that they would ever leave me, I would always be another child to his mother and father both. Maybe Alex is right, there's something there.

Right as the thought crosses my mind, the car door to my side flies open and I scream. Alex jumps back and we stare at each other in shock before erupting into laughter

"What the hell was that?" Alex asks, doubled over from laughing.

"You scared me!" I yell back, and smack at her arm.

"I gathered that," she replies and climbs into the seat next to me, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews taking their respective seats in the front. Breyana is nowhere in sight.

"She rode with Auston," Alex says, answering my unasked question.

"Everyone ready to go?" Mr. Matthews asks, looking in the rearview mirror, although he only looks at me.

"Yep," I nod and buckle myself in.

Alex reaches over and grabs my hand after a moment.

"Are you okay?" She asks me quietly, no one else paying any attention.

I look at her a moment and consider telling her everything, but here is not the place. I just put my hand over hers and nod.

"I'm okay, Alex. I just needed a few minutes to myself. I haven't had that since you all picked me up three days ago. You know how I am," I say, playing it off as best I can.

She stares at me and then nods after a moment.

"You've been a popular person since we picked you up, I get it," she squeezes my hand and I give her a grateful smile. We keep our hands together until we reach the restaurant.

Breyana catches sight of me as I near the table, once again back in a secluded section of the restaurant, and nudges Auston who sits on her left side, his head bent over his menu. When he looks at her, she nods at me and when he catches sight of me his face lights up like a Christmas tree, giving me that one smile again and my heart goes into overdrive. At the sight of Auston, several guys sitting around Auston snap their heads around to look at me, having just reached the end of the table.

I eye them warily as they stare at me, I recognize them as Marner, Nylander, Brown and Hyman.

"Blue dress girl," one of them says and I can't tell who but I raise my eyebrows at Auston who turns a shade of red and lowers a glare to the one sitting at the end of the table closest to me, Nylander.

Auston Matthews ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now