Auston Matthews - Part 6

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"Y/N, Alex, Breyana, time to wake up," I faintly hear Mrs. Matthews saying, a gentle hand brushing over my face.

I groan and turn my face into my pillow, blocking out the sunlight now streaming through the windows into the living room.

I hear Mrs. Matthews laugh as the other two girls make similar noises.

"Suit yourself," she says and I hear her move away.

I snuggle back down deeper into my blanket and almost instantly fall back asleep. That is until I hear the ice dispenser turn on. I fly out of bed, stumbling and crashing to the floor with Alex falling on top of me.

"We're up! We're up!" We both cry out, trying to untangle ourselves and get into a standing position. I succeed in getting Alex off of me and stumble to my feet again, using Mr. Matthews' knee as leverage as he rocks in the chair next to me.

"Awake! I'm awake!" I repeated, breathing harder than should be necessary when waking up in the morning.

The room erupts in laughter as Alex, Breyana and I try to catch our breath. Even more so when we all look over in the kitchen to see Auston holding a bowl of ice that he's preparing to dump into a blender staring at all of us in surprise.

"I guess we scarred them more than we thought," Mr. Matthews' howls with laughter. Causing his daughters and me to scowl at him.

Alex and Breyana get set on arguing who gets to use the bathroom to get ready as I settle down at a dining room table, content with waiting.

Mrs. Matthews comes up behind me and gently starts brushing through my hair with her fingers. My eyes instantly close and I lean into her hands, goosebumps erupting on my skin. There is nothing in the world better than having your hair played with.

"I forgot how pretty you are when you first wake up," she says softly behind me, slowly creating sections in my hair before starting to braid it.

I grin with her compliment, Alex used to get so annoyed with me on weeks I would spend with her in Arizona. She would complain that it wasn't fair that I didn't wake up with tangled hair and drool dried to my face. However, unlike her I don't thrash around like a wild animal in my sleep.

I open my eyes to see Auston and Mr. Matthews standing in the kitchen to the side of me, Auston is already fully dressed and I remember he has practice this morning. I look up at his face and blush when I see him already looking at me, an expression I can't read on his face as Mr. Matthews chats in his ear. I hold his gaze for a moment before I tilt my head at him quizzically and he seems to snap out of whatever thought he was having. I see his cheeks turn a faint pink and he busies himself with getting his shake together.

I suppress a smile and look down at my bracelet still attached around my wrist, and twirl the charms around absentmindedly.

"You look a million miles away, Y/N," Mrs. Matthews says behind me and I glance up to the mirror on the wall directly in front of me. She meets my eyes in the mirror, her hands never stop moving though my hair.

"Just thinking," I reply and I give her a soft smile that even I can see is fake.

Mrs. Matthews raises her eyebrows at me and I immediately give in, there is absolutely no way to lie to this woman.

"I just wish there was some way that I could just clear my mind. I can never seem to get my mind anywhere else but going over every possible situation that could come out of my meeting tomorrow..." I trail off and look back down at my bracelet. "I still feel like I'm not good enough to get the deal, like it's just one more thing that I want and it's going to be ripped away from me. Some false hope or something."

Mrs. Matthews is silent a few moments, finishing up the second braid and then sits next to me at the table. I notice that there is no other sounds coming from the apartment and glance around, Alex and Breyana are nowhere to be seen, I catch a glimpse of Mr. Matthews disappearing into his room and I'm assuming Auston left for practice. Leaving just me and Mrs. Matthews who is looking intently at my face.

"Y/N, you are the brightest person I have ever met, and you're only twenty-one years old. You have spent so many years preparing yourself and setting yourself up as best you can." She runs a hand down the braid she just made, again I lean into her touch. "But you're twenty-one years old, and I don't think twenty-one year olds should put half as much pressure on themselves that you are right now. You are so smart, so beautiful, so dedicated..." she trails off wringing her hands in front of her face in a frustrated manner, half her words coming out in Spanish. "You just don't see it in yourself. You don't see yourself as enough anything."

I watch her silently, not bothering to hide my shock. I'd never heard her talk to me that way.

"Mrs. Matthews..." I start after a prolonged silence and earn a glare, "Ema, I... I just..." I can't even begin to form words.

"I wish you believed in yourself like your parents believe in you, like Alex believes in you." She reaches out and grabs my hand. "Like I believe in you."

She turns my wrist up, the five charms lay on my inner arm.

"You study the stars and the universe, yet you don't study the world around you."

Mrs. Matthews strokes the middle charm, the one made of blue and gold. "The world that you're a star in."

I stare down at my wrist and blink back the tears. Mrs. Matthews lets me sit in silence for a moment while I compose myself.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you, Ema?" I finally ask, meeting her own tear filled eyes.

"No, but I already know," she wraps her arms around my shoulders and our foreheads resting together.

"Now, go get dressed. We have a few things to do today," Mrs. Matthews says, patting my head once more and standing and then making her way down the hallway to her room.

I stare after her a moment and once I hear her door close Alex and Breyana pop their heads up from behind the loveseat. I crook an eyebrow at them.

"Okay, since when did you become the favorite child? I didn't sign up for that," Alex says, climbing over the loveseat and putting her hands on her hips. "Deal was strictly second favorite."


Half an hour later I'm sitting in the middle seat of the SUV, laughing and poking fun at Breyana and the ridiculous amount of layers she has on. Breyana says something back that makes Alex erupt into a fit of giggles and when I look over at her I immediately notice how similar her smile is to her brothers. For a brief second I wish it was him sitting next to me laughing.

I blink several times and give my head a little shake. What on earth was I doing thinking that?

Auston Matthews ImagineKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat