Start from the beginning

"I don't think so," I turned to face him again. "I get where he is coming from. Those people are bad, they might not look like it but they are. I've lived with them for two days and it was so stressful, I was surrounded by too much fake people."

"I already have one child to worry about, I do not need another."

"Hey, don't worry about it," I kissed him again more softly. "He's a good kid so don't worry about it so much, alright?"

"Hmm..." he grunted. "Fine."

I smiled and just let myself lay my head on his chest, my eyes on Mark who was laying on the bed sleeping. The baby was small and fragile, and it was so hard to believe he was actually mine. My baby. So small and innocent, loving. Beautiful.

Later, when night time had come and the baby was sleeping Caspian was sleeping in the bed together. Amul was in charge with navigating the ship and steering, letting Caspian get some sleep before it was his turn.

As I slept I dreamed...

It was storming, the rain falling from the sky and pounding harshly on a ship. The ocean waters were also raging as if the sky and sea were in a terrible argument. I looked around the ship to see it was the Dawnbreaker, as if it had never burned down or sunk. It was still in tact, sailing through the ragin storm.

It thundered and even lighting strikes. There were water spouts on the water everywhere. It was a terrifying sight and I needed to get to the wheel and try to get out of the storm. When I stepped up to the when I froze in shock, gasping at the face I saw.

"Mark..." Mark Read.

She wasn't wearing her bandana on her hair to hide her womanly appearance. Her hair wet and shaking in the wind holding the wheel, her eyes gazed into mine. She wasn't smiling, which was odd for her to not even give off a smirk.

Something was wrong...

"Everything is gone now, Ria..." She stepped away from the wheel and slowly stepped towards me, her steps slow, serious. "Why stay in this world?? You do not belong here, lass."

"Mark! W...why are you saying this?" I stepped away from her cautiously. "How do you know..."

"She's right, Ria..." Another voice appeared after lighting flashed, I turned my head to see Theodore. He was staring at me with a stern expression, young, dead... "If you stay, bad things happen. History is always about pain, do you think it's all over now? With the death of your friend?"

"No..." I turned my head to see the one and only Blackbeard. He was staring at me with a dark and dangerous stare. He was also dead, having died in 1718, but he was also standing there before me. His grin held no humor, the same as it did when he was alive. "It is the start of it, lass. Return to your precious home."

Then there was Pete, my friend from years ago, the first pirate I met. The first one I punched. He appeared when lightning crackled and there was a flash, rain pouring harder. "There is no happily ever after..."

I looked atound at everyone who surrounded me, "What are you guys talking about?? I don't understand. Why can't I just stay if I want? I can't leave now! Not when I have already etched myself here by having a baby! Do you think I'll give it up now??"

Everyone who looked at me turned their heads to the end of the ship, and when I looked as well I saw her. Freya. The girl with the same red hair as me, and blue eyes, and until the others her hair and dress that blew in the wind was dry. She looked angry other than calm and peaceful, disappointed.

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