Start from the beginning

"I'm going to look at it if your mad at me or not," I unrolled the paper and looked at it, and my whole frozen in absolute terror, shock.

It was a wanted flyer for me, a reward for my capture in England. I was wanted alive, for some reason they didn't but dead. They put ALIVE and even underlined it. And the price for me alive was... stupidly expensive. It could set anyone up for life.

Who the hell would have this much money? And who the hell would give this away just for me? And the drawing on here, the one of me, was so similar to my face it looked like someone actually took a photograph of me! every detail, every description. The red hair, the blue eyes, was all similar.

"Who the hell would spend this money just to have me alive?" I looked up from the paper and back at him. "Where did you get this?"

"One of or crew found it on the side of the tavern and handed it to Amul," Caspian grumbled. "Someone in England seems to want you, this wealthy man named Mordecai," he grabbed the paper from my hand and took it to his desk, placing it in a drawer and shutting it a little too harshly. "This will cause some problems."

"I do not even know who the hell he is, so why would he pay that much for me??" I was more confused than I've ever been.

"Obsession, perhaps? Maybe he had met yer in a former place and decided he wanted yer? I do not know," he walked towards me. "It had not reach Jamaica yet, they are the only ones who do not know about the reward for yer capture."

I was still shocked about the whole thing, shaking my head, "I never knew a Mordecai in my life, so it can't be anyone I knew," now I felt worried, rolling my eyes, feeling the urge to pull out my hair. "Jeez, if it's not one thing it's another."

He put his forehead against mine, a small smile on his face, "Do not stress over this lass, I have a bounty on I as well and I have not been caught yet–"

"Wow, so comforting..." I teased.

He chuckled, "I am pretty sure Amul, nor yer little lass friends will allow yer to be taken to that man."

"Pfft, knowing Mark she'll give me to him for the money," I began laughing, kissing him before turning to walk to the door. "I will try to worry about it less, but I will still worry about it."

"Stay close to the ship lass, in case yer need to run back here," he warned. "Yer never know what might happen."

Giving him a nod I walked out of the Quarters, making sure to shut the door behind me. It was always best to leave when the crew were out, probably laying with the women and drinking, knowing them. As long as they didn't mess with me I was alright.

The only one that spotted me was Amul, approaching me, "I am sure he showed you the paper?"

"Yes," I sighed. "It sucks being popular. I don't even know this guy Mordecai."

"I would not worry about it much, Mouse," he assured me, watching me as I walked past him. "It is a big ocean, and a bigger world, what are the chance that you will be caught soon?"

I stopped in my tracks suddenly, realizing that Amul did have a point. It was a big ocean, I should know since it takes weeks just to get to one place to another. "Thanks Amul," I smiled to him. "That actually helped me."

"Anytime," He chuckled. "Mark has been looking for you, I would suggest meeting him."

"Alright," I nodded. "I will talk to you later."

I left the ship and returned to the tavern with Mark and Bonny, and we talked. Everything during that time seemed to be peaceful, and I was hoping that 1718 would be that way.

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