Caspian and Amul looked a bit shocked about something.

It was odd.

"What's wrong with you two?" I questioned with my own confused look.

Usually Caspian was the one who spoke first, but Amul did this time. "Things seemed to have changed..."

"What?" I swear these fools where annoying me with this. "Just tell me what's going on?"

Caspian sighed, "It seems that we were proven wrong with your little affair with Mark..."

"What?" I repeated the word. "You make no since."

"Mark came in and proved us that you were not lovers," Caspian voice was different than his stern voice of hatred a couple of days ago.

"How could he have done that....?" My voice trailed off and the thought. The small consideration that Mark could have revealed her secret identity to them.

The looks on their faces though.

"Yer must already know then," Caspian sighed. "So it is true, yer two wasn't in a relationship. She was a woman this whole time."

I crossed my arms in disappointment at him, I even gave him the look too. I wasn't smiling, I didn't even feel triumphant.

I was pissed.

"I am sorry," Amul was the first to say.

"No," I let my anger take over. "I don't want neither of you to talk to me since I'm being dropped off at Nassau."

"That will not be happening, since no rules have been broken," Said Caspian.

"Then for the rest of this trip it's strictly business," my own voice became surprisingly stern. "Do not talk to me unless there is something important to discuss, then there will be no more problems."

Amul seemed to be the one who wasn't afraid to admit he was wrong, but Caspian didn't apologize. Nor looked like he was about to. I didn't need his apology, the way he acted showed me enough about how men really were in this time. And how much they looked down on woman.

Maybe I should fake my death and dress up like a man. That wasn't a bad idea.

"It was an honest mistake," Amul continued.

I just rolled my eyes at him, and opening the door I just walked out of the quarters. I've learned my lesson with getting close to pirates, they were so easy to judge me but...

Why would Mark uncover her secret like that?

So later that day, I met her. she was sitting in an empty room sleeping in a chair with her legs propped up. She must have not really been asleep because when I walked in one of her eyes slowly opened to look at me. Then her other eye followed.

"Hey, Mary," I whispered her name but she clearly heard me. "What did you do to show them make them look so white? Even Amul?"

She gave me a small grin, shrugging, "I took down me hair to show them my womanly face, but they would not believe me. Especially Woodrow, he seemed to be the most pissed about the subject. So when they didn't believe me I took off my top, and my wrappings, and–"

"Oh, Jeez!" I nearly shouted, then I whispered. "You didn't..."

"I showed them my breasts," Her grin became a smile. "They believed me for sure after that."

"But you uncovered your identity?? That was risky!"

"Aye," she nodded. "But we made a deal, so my identity shouldn't go to any other ears. They won't blame you for my mistake."

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