"REALLY didn't need that visual image Chanch. Ya could have just left it at, 'Normani forced me to come'."

"Nah, that just sounds way too kinky."

Camila's cheeks flushed slightly as she rolled her eyes. "I didn't mean it like that."

There was suddenly a cleared throat from beside Camila, the two bickering friends practically forgetting that there was a third person in the room. Both sets of eyes snapped over to the green-eyed Latina, surprise and guilt written into each of their expressions for entirely different reasons. "If you don't mind, Dinah, I would like to steal my date back so that we can continue with our night."

"I'm hijacking your date, Jauregui," she smirked in mischievous glee.

"You hijack my date, and I hijack your girlfriend." Lauren deadpanned, not showing any mercy to the slack-jawed girl.

Dinah audibly gasped for dramatic effect, her eyes narrowed into thin slits as she growled lowly, "You wouldn't."

This time around, it was Lauren's turn to smirk devilishly at the scandalised woman before her. "Try me China. Do you really want me to use my Jauregui charm on your Manibear? Because we all know the outcome would be."

"If you even so much as LOOK at my Mani with those smouldering green eyes, I will give you the fucking biggest poly-beatdown, that you won't be able to walk properly for the next three years."

"Well at least she'll be there to nurse me back to health!" Lauren's tongue shot out in Dinah direction in a childish display of dominance.

"Okay children, enough!" Camila finally cut in, interrupting the two bristling girls and their stupid pissing contest. Like two trained dogs; blindingly loyal, frustratingly territorial and completely oblivious. Camila had to suppress the giggle that arose at the thought.

"Now we are all friends here. Lauren, you are not trying to steal Normani from Dinah and Chancho, just stay in your goddamn lane. Now that we have that sorted, you," she commanded pointed at Dinah, who had the decency to look contrite, "are going back downstairs to your gorgeous girlfriend. And you," she moved her directed finger over to the cowed Latina, who practically had her head hung in shame, "are having a seat right over there," she pointed to the chair, "while you continue to sweep me of my feet. Okay, so do we all understand?"

The two girl's hesitantly bobbed their heads in acquiescence, each exchanging childish glances as discreetly as possible while Camila maintained a watchful eye over them.

"Good. Now, get moving."

Dinah scampered over as Lauren slouched toward the chair like a scolded child. Camila joined her a moment later, with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. "God you two are like children!"

"Like you can talk, you were the exact same barely minutes before that!"

"Yeah, true. But it was fun seeing you both jump at the sound of my voice. I had to stop myself from bursting out into laughter the entire time!" she revealed with a giant grin plastered across her face. She felt accomplishment bloom in her chest in the same manner that the pink colour bloomed across Lauren's pale cheeks.

"Shuddup! It was only because I knew it would get rid of Dinah."

"Puh-lease, don't try and pull that bullshit on me, planet green-eyes."

"Whatever," she grumbled, looking away from those mesmerising brown eyes that always seemed to still her beating heart, absorb her soul, and steal the breath from her lungs. "Wait, planet green-eyes? Where did that come from?"

The Party (GxG) (Camren) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now