On our way

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Hi there My name is Yanessa Ryder. I'm 14. i'm kinda shy but if i'm with my favorite cousin Will it's a totally different story. When we were younger we were never apart until i moved 2-3 years back but now that my dad had passed I've been down lately until one day. My mom told me that we were going back to Hawkins to live there meaning we would stay at wills for a while until we found a house close to his. Right now we were Still in the car and then my mom stopped and called Wills house. (^This is you, sorry about the filter just pretend it's not there).

J: Hello this is Joyce who is this?

M: Hey Joyce It's me Brenda

J: Oh hey how have you been, Hows Yanessa you guys should come over some time

B: That's what i wanted to talk to you about, We are on our way to Hawkins and need a place to stay u think we could stay with you until i get a job?

J: Yeah of course

*End of Call*

Soon enough i woke up to be pulling up to Wills house and i saw Johnathan come out i ran up to him "Hi johnny"(I use to call him that) He smiled and i laughed "Hi Yanessa, Will isn't here he's at school wanna go with me right now to go pick him up?) I smiled big (YEAH) I've missed will so much i couldn't wait to see him. I was now drawing me and will he loves when i draw for him because that's just us. Joyce asked me " Hey yanessa look at you your so big now how have you been" she smiled i smiled and giggled a little " I've been good hows Will does he have a lot of friends ?" Johnny laughed and said "He has 3 other friends but don't worry your still number one " We both laughed and i said good.

*Time skip*

Johnathan told me it was time to go get will. I was really excited it see will Johnathan spoke up "Oh man i forgot" i looked a bit confused and said "What, what's wrong" He told me that he was taking him and his friends to one of his friends house for a campaign or something like that. Soon enough i saw will walk out i ran towards him we fell to the ground laughing "I can't believe its you i haven't seen you in forever" he said then heard someone say "Is that your girlfriend ghost boy" i stood up to this boy with short wavy hair "No im family and who are you" i said. Will told me his name is troy "im troy and i can't believe your related to this..this..thing" He laughed i got a little upset "Why call him a thing when your saying it to the wrong person you must mean your self so go ahead and run along "troy" and leave him alone okay" He seemed took back a little. Will smiled and said "Thanks Yanessa oh and these are my friends, Yanessa, Dustin,Dustin Yanessa" Then one said "Hi Yanessa im Lucas " I smiled and laughed "Hi Lucas hi Dustin and what's your name?" i said and pointed to one pale one with floppy hair "I i im Mike...nice to meet you" He said shyly I giggled but he started to blush a little "OK guys lets go" johnny said we all pilled into the car. I heard everyone talking but Mike he sat in the front with me and Johnny "Why so quiet...mike" he turned and said "Just..tried..that's a-a-all" I just said ok. Then i heard lucas say "Dude she is like really pretty" i turned and said "Awe thanks lucas" smiled and sat back down. "When we get there you better call your mom Yanessa cause she might not know your staying with me and my friends" Will said "Ok i will calm down" when we were at their house i asked will cause we walked behind "Who's house is this?" "It's mike's" I thought his house was so pretty and big. We all walked in i heard a voice come from the kitchen "Boys is that you?"Mike said "Yeah mom,it's us ...Will brought his cousin over is that ok?" She came out and looked at me and smiled "Of course that's ok hi sweetie what's your name?" "Yanessa" "So pretty well have fun are you and will sleeping over to?" i looked at will he nodded yeah so i nodded yeah cause i wanted to see what their campaign was all about before me and will walked to the basement this girl probably around the same age as Johnathan walked by and smiled at me. I went down and sat on a couch then i looked over it looked kinda like old blanket tent or something but i paid no mind to it. I saw mike looking at me though the corner of my eye i turned to him and smiled at him.I called my mom so i ran up stairs and found the phone Mike's mom said i could use it "Mom can i stay here with Will at his friends house for the night?" She asked to talk to mikes mom

*Brenda's P.O.V*

B: Hello is this mike's mother?

K: Yes this is My name is Karen and you are?

B: Hi this is Yanessa's mother Brenda. Can she stay the night over there please

K: Yeah sure ill see if my Daughter has old clothes for her

B: Okay thank you have a nice night

K: You as well


I loved that Yanessa and Will were together again she seems so happy with him. It hasn't been easy since her farther pasted she has been down but now that shes with Will again she seems so happy again. I hope she has fun tonight and becomes friends with his friends.

*Mike's P.O.V.*

What's wrong with me. Why am i like this it's weird. I don't know what ever it i- my thoughts were interrupted by the guys laughing "What's so funny guys?" "You....We are laughing at you...Your all googly eyes over my cousin" Will said in between laughs i felt my face heat up "What's are you guys talking about down here" Yanessa announced as she walked down the steps wow she's just so pretty an- "Hey mike you feeling ok your face is all red" i didn't think she would notice "Yeah im fine it's just a little hot in here" "Really you think so i think it's a bit cold haha" Her laugh was adorable. Then my mom came down and asked for Yanessa "So you have a crush on her huh" Said Dustin as soon as i was about to talk yanessa came back down with a big t-shirt and shorts will spoke up "Eww she's back ahah" "You mean hoary Yanessa is back" we all laughed then headed up stairs to eat me and yanessa were left behind "Hey the guys said you needed to tell me something" bhjuavfighvwe why would they say that i hate them "Oh it's nothing just...why did you come to Hawkins" i saw tears in her eyes oh no did i say something "I was depressed after my dad passed and my mom thought coming here and being with will would cheer me up... and so far it's working cause now i have new friends to" she hugged me for a little then we went up to sit for dinner.

*Yanessa' P.O.V*

When we went up stairs for dinner i didn't i cried a lot until i saw mikes sweater it had a big wet spot on the shoulder Will saw my eyes and got up "Hey what's wrong are you ok" "Yeah-I-I-I'm fine..." i started to cry again. Just as Mike's mom walked in she sat the pizza before she saw me all the boys came over and gave sympathy for me "What's wrong Yanessa" Will said I just cried into his arms "What's going on...is she ok" Karen said "Yeah im fine will you excuse me for a second please" With out her saying anything i ran to the bathroom. I don't know why but as soon as those words left mike's mouth i hit me...hard. I heard a knock at the door "Hey yanessa it's mike can i come in" I unlocked the door he closed it behind him "Are you ok...I'm sorry if i said something wrong" i looked at him and put my head on his shoulder and we just sat there for a while until Will said something at the door "Hey are you ready to come back down or stay in there for a little bit more" i stood up and put my hand out for mike to grab. I opened the down and we walked down back to the table "I'm sorry about that" i said to Karen "No honey dont be it's fine" she smiled at me and we sat down after we ate we went back to the basement to do sleeping arrangements Will would be sleeping on the floor with the rest of boys they told me to sleep on the couch by the wall. I decided to put my hair in a ponytail to keep it out of my face i felt a chill go up my spine i turned my head to the window and see a girl standing outside the basement door.

A.Note: Tell me if you like it so far

His cousin(Mike wheeler) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now