"How did you even hear that!" Mili yelled back. "Oh don't deny it Mili. I think it's way past time for a man." I said raising my eyebrows at her and winking. She shook her head and smiled going back to looking through the racks. 

"Unless....." Yana said walking up to Mili. "Unless what?" Leena asks as she walks towards us with a whole bunch of clothes in her hands. Yes we were officially shopaholics. But I mean, come on. How can you not be one when you are in Italy!!! It's just not possible!! 

"Unless Miliana Basilio already has a man that she is keeping from all of us!" Yana said with an accusing look on her face. I glanced at Miliana who had her eyes cast down as she was continuously looking through the racks and tried not to smile. 

I gasped and pointed my finger at her "You do, Don't you!" I yelled. She looked at me and shook her head "No." She said but I can tell she was so lying. 

"Omg Miliana! You do and you didn't tell us." Leena said. She rolled her eyes at us "I don't have a man in my life. Okay, so just drop it." She insisted gesturing with her hands. I sighed and realized we shouldn't push it. 

"Fine." I said as I went back to shopping. "Thank you." She murmured. 

We continued shopping like whatever just happened, didn't happen. And I was thankful for that. Whatever Miliana was keeping hidden must of been pretty serious for her not to tell us. And I don't blame her. 

Over the past 15 years Miliana had to over come her fears and anxieties of men in general. It took a while before she could even be next to a man who she didn't know. But she got better and she actually started going on dates. I remember her first date, she came home and went straight to her room. Raf was probably like 5. 

The girls and I went to check on her and she was in her room on the floor just crying her eyes out. When we asked what was wrong she said that she had a great time, that the man was nice and a gentleman. 

But the reason she was crying is because she wasn't used to a stranger treating that way. She really wanted to like him, but her mind and heart wouldn't allow her the luxury of that. 

After a couple of other many long dates she finally overcome that fear. So if Miliana did have a man in her life, I would be so happy for her. I think after all she has been through, she deserves that happiness. She deserves to be treated with love and respect and care. 

I was very fortunate to have that with Adriano. Adriano is my other half, he completes me as I do him. Everyone deserves that in their life, especially Miliana. 

AJ Pov~ 

We trailed the city square of Turin. Everything here was more lively and older. The people walked by and admired the art around them, just like we were doing. We had just stopped in a few shop on the square itself. Everything was organic and raw, it was real. 

I loved every part of Turin. There was people showing of their paintings and talents, and handcrafted things on the square. They genuinely seemed happy and content. 

"Did you ever think we would actually be here?" Marcio murmured next to me as we looked at the beautifully articulated building in front of us. 

"I mean I had a inkling, since we are half Italian.One day we would have eventually come here." I replied smartly smirking at his face. Ales scoffed next to me "Your such an ass." She said. I shrugged my shoulders. "I know." I said.

"Come on, let's keep moving." Raf urged us. We nodded and continued walking, stopping every now and then too look at things. 

Kalani and Ales stopped to look at some painting and was to talking to the artist. Leo was there standing guard, but discreetly of course. So the rest of us stopped and waited, in the back under a tree.. But what caught my eye was the man about 10 feet away from us. 

He was standing in line for ice cream in the far back. But he never even once looked at the menu or acknowledged anything that was going on in front of him. Instead he glanced this way every half a minute, and then back to the bench on his left. 

On the bench was another man who was on his phone. Something was off. 

I nudged Damien Marcio and Raf discreetly and whispered while looking at my sisters. "Someones watching us. Ice cream and the bench on the left." I looked up at the trees and down at my phone looking at the time and saw it was 6. We had to get going to reach home by 7. 

 "Definitely Mafia men. We should leave." Marcio whispered. I put my arms around Kaia and whispered "We need to leave, I need you to get the others." She looked at me obviously hearing the seriousness in my voice and nodded. 

I watched as she walked over to Leo and explain that we needed to leave. Marcio, Raf and I kept our eyes on the Mafia men and Damien watched our sisters and Leo. Damien whispers to me "We can't go straight home in case they follow us." I nodded. As soon as the rest walk back towards off we all walk straight to the car. 

I noticed another one who was across the street pretending to buy a magazine from the vendor. And another one further down who was walking a dog. Then there was another one on the bench with a book in his hand. I glanced at the guys and they seemed to notice it too. 

I huffed out and we tried to act calm and normal, not wanting them to know that we spotted them. Whoever trained these men needed to be fired. Anyone with a trained eye could see they were Mafia men. They are messing with the wrong set of teenagers.

We finally reached the SUV and we immediately all got in. Good thing the windows were tinted. I started the car and sped out onto the road. "Whats going on guys? Who were those men?" Ales asked worry filling her voice. "Who do you think Ales. Those were the Italian Mafia men." Damien answered. 

"We can not go home. They are gonna know where the we are staying. Uncle would kill us for that." Leo urged. "I know that Leo. That's why we aren't going home." I retorted turning into the highway. 

Raf looked into the mirrors "There is a car tailing us. Navy Audi two cars behind us." He said.

"We're going for a little field trip." I murmured pushing the gas petal further. 


Hey Lovelies!!! 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! 

Thank you for reading!



Love Ya1

The Capo and His Queen (Book 2 In PTMM Series)Where stories live. Discover now