"I'm not ready to share." I confess, and it's partly true. I don't think I'm mentally ready to share-the details, at least.

"I know what you're going thr-"

"No, you don't!" I snap, and I see a lot of eyes fall on me, ready to barge over and black me out. My eyes begin to water, but Lydia doesn't move. "Y-you don't know anything. Never will."

"You don't know me-"

"I don't, and you don't know me either, so what do you expect?" I ask, lowering my voice, hoping some eyes will look away, but they all stay.

"I just want to help." She whispers, and a second of sorrow courses through me. Lydia really hasn't done anything bad to me. I haven't even talked to her in person since I came back. When it comes down to it, she means well.

"Then go with Mia and Casper," I say, "help them."

"Help them do what?" Lydia asks, confused, but her eyes stay locked on mine.

"Help them help me."


"Do you need anything? More food or something?"

"I'm fine." I say, realizing that I'm getting good with lying. Dave nods, shooting me a sad smile. Too bad he can real me well, he obviously knows everything is not fine.

"We found a bomb."

"You what?"

"Yes. And I'm afraid there's going to be quite a few more."

Good. Mia and Casper and Lydia better find one.

"Did you find a way to disable it?"

"Somewhat. We're afraid if we try to destroy it, it'll, you know, explode. There's a little switch we found that hopefully turns it off. We are a little afraid to try it-"

"We can go somewhere far. I can try it." I say, and Dave's eyes widen. "Little excited to try, huh?"

"I-I just don't want anyone to get hurt."

"Understandable," Dave rests his hand on my shoulder, "for now, let's just not try anything stupid, can you do that?"


But I nod.

"Good. Sorry, about this entire thing. I know it's probably not fun staying in this tent all day, but it's for everyone's safety."

"Understandable," I mimic, and Dave smiles and heads on back to the buildings.

Don't worry Dave. Soon enough I'll be out of your hands, taken away from all your troubles. Soon enough you won't have to worry about me.

Well, me or Evelyn.

Suddenly, something hits my back hard, and I wince. I look down, seeing a rock next to me. Nothing else is around, so this rock had to have hit me.

And thrown by a person.

And when I turn around and look past the fence, I freeze. Sure, I was expecting this, but seeing them isn't something I was looking forward to.

Actually, I'm not surprised to see Abby, but I'm shocked to see Tami.

They both stand there, hiding but still noticeable. Evelyn sent them. They know that I would come back to them. They are waiting for me to leave, to willingly return to them. Although I knew this was happening, my body won't allow me to get up. The funny thing is, my body knows better than my own mind. It knows going back to Evelyn is horrible, that eventually I'll end up killing it. But my mind doesn't care, it seems.

But eventually I stand, carefully making my way over to the fence. Abby and Tami watch me, looking like they are running on very little patience.

"Evelyn wants you now. Doesn't want you getting any ideas," Abby sneers.

Too late. I already have a plan. But will Mia somehow find me? I need to find her, but Abby and Tami are waiting and I can't go near the buildings. Shit.

"Can I get a drink of water? And say goodbye to Mia?"

At her name, Tami twitches.

"Yeah, remember her?" I snap, and her face grows red.

"No need to say goodbye. Just get what you need and lets go," Abby says, and with that I walk into my tent. I pull out one of the shirts Mia had brought me. I twist it up and make it just right, hoping this act will make her notice where I am.

Please. Please find me.

I step out, pushing my mind over my body as I walk back to the fence. I look back at the Alliance, the home that I strived to find for the longest time. I'll leave, probably for the last time.

Because returning is slim this time.



Another chapter!!!! I'm trying y'all :)

I have an announcement!!! After thinking about this book and how it's playing out, this book will be the last :( meaning there will only be 2 books for this series. I don't want to drag it on, and I really think ending it after book two is the way to go. We are nearing the end, but we still have some AWESOME chapters left!!! Stay tuned!

Please comment and vote!!! It means the world to me, and it also helps me A LOT to continue writing.

Thank you writers :)

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