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"Harry, I'd give everything just to have you back. . . because I don't want to live a sad song."

I don't want to live without you.

There it was again, the heartbreak and sadness in her tone. How much longer will this continue? Until tomorrow? Until this casket had already been buried to the ground?

Well, that was entirely wrong. Everything about the scene was wrong. The set-up, the house, the scenes. . . everything.

One thing is for certain though, through the many people that had dedicated their speeches and expressed their love, Taylor had been different. Because all the things she said were either just from experience. . . or the one she had already said. She didn't have any last words to whisper, because everything she said with the time spent together, there were the things she wanted to say.

That was the one different trait about her, she didn't wait for the funeral, she didn't wait for the last chances, she already said what she wanted to.

It was dark, every moment was suffocating, not because of the space or the fact that I was wearing an absolutely ridiculous prop suit. . . but because I could barely last any more second with it.

I told myself I was done disappointing this girl.

The moment I know she backed away, I knew it was time to come clean.

Alright, how do you do this again?

I unzipped the side of the fake suit that could open up. Of course, I've everything planned out brilliantly. It is the reason why the casket was near the stairs because there's a small door right there. I affixed it so that I could easily slide out of the casket, barely making any noise. I slid side wards to the whole beside me and fell inside the cellar under the stairs. I'm only wearing a shirt as I sighed.

Good thing I've a backup plan and I'm not really dead.

I hurried to the other door leading to the kitchen, took a jacket with me and started locking the doors in it. I splashed my face with water along the way as the make-up was awful! It was awfully thick, it almost felt like they've put ten pounds of flour on my face.

I need to be as fast as I can because I know if they found out that I am not dead, people will surely kill me.

Well, this is my retiring prank so might as well reach the bar limits.

I could already hear Comic Book Guy say: Worst joke ever.

I headed to the living room where Taylor had her back on the casket whereas the space was almost empty. Of course, that was the plan, Taylor should be alone in the room since most are at the back.

I started pulling the strings, laying down the curtains and closing the doors.

Once I've closed the front door, which was the last, I sighed in relief and slowly faced the most beautiful girl I've ever met.

I couldn't tell what was going on in her mind. All I could see was the astonishment in her eyes. Maybe she was debating if it was all real or not.

I exhaled, "You look like you've seen a ghost."

It was the worst comment I could ever say but I said it anyways. I would have wanted to say Brad Pitt's line in the movie, Mr. and Mrs. Smith when Jane Smith thought he was dead. . . 'I've thought about a number of lines for this moment. . .' but it's sort of strange if she acted differently.

I slowly walked towards her, she would definitely explode and I would be dead before the night ends but it's worth it.

Taylor was absolutely frozen in sight. Alright, that's not good at all.

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