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Taylor licked her lips, still staring at the small forest near the balcony. Her eyes are already watery, and she was on the brink of tears again. "That was the last time I've ever seen him, and I — uh, I couldn't forget the words he said."

Gemma was still listening intently, as she was there during Harry's last trip in Canada. She just didn't know that it was, indeed his last trip there. She would have thought her brother would come back since he's already financially stable and sometimes have long vacations. . . it surprised her that the last time Harry was in Canada was when he was nineteen.

"What were the last words he said?" Gemma asked.

Taylor sighed, "That the next time he'll see me, I'll meet him at the altar." She smiled a bit and licked her lips again. "He didn't say what kind of altar."

"He did have plans for that, Taylor," Gemma replied. "I mean, not the wedding itself but someday, he planned that it was you he was going to take to church."

She smiled a bit upon hearing that, "He couldn't do that anymore, apparently." She looked down, seeing a ladder right at the balcony and she thought it must've been there for a while so she did not comment about it.

"Let me show you how he is," Gemma said with a smile and started walking down the hallway so Taylor walked right behind her.

Gemma stopped right in front of a door with a sigh, "Harry wanted you to take a look."

Taylor gave a shy smile and twisted the knob. With one more quick look at Gemma, she walked inside. She closed the door behind her and flipped the switch of the lights.

She looked around, goosebumps showed all over her skin and she was wondering why. It was barely ordinary. Harry's got a couple of History books in his bookshelf added by decorations of miniature weapons. His wall had a few family pictures hung, and around it was his collection of knives. It was strange seeing those knives, they seemed like they were from different countries.

What caught her eyes was the picture of Harry wearing a full soldier uniform and the brightest smile on his face. Somehow, the place seemed more alive because of that. His smile could easily light up anything anyways. It had been so long since she had seen that.

She closed her eyes for a moment, "I miss you," she whispered and looked around.

There were different writings on the walls, some are even from different languages. One had caught her easily was a line he once said that is written like they were notes on a musical staff in cursive. . . "I don't want to live a sad song"

Taylor smiled a bit, that was the last coded message Harry gave her. She figured it out quite easily as she knew it was one of his favourite songs. Honestly, it was easier to figure out than the rest of the riddles he gave.

There was a hit of nostalgia that had swept across her, remembering all the times she had with Harry. . . and how she barely did something to help make it work between them.

It wasn't a moment later when she decided to go out. She felt really awful. All night, all she had been doing was try to avoid crying. If she stayed there any longer she would have.

Gemma met her out of the door and proceeded to tell her brief stories about how Harry was before everything landslided. . .

To Taylor, he led a happy, fulfilled life. Of course, she expected that as he was a young lad full of surprises. One carefree boy who rarely made a fuss to things people usually would. He was different from the rest and his death seemed like an awful play of fate. He didn't deserve that. . . not now, he's still got a load of things to do. A lad like that has so much potential.

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