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It's already ten p.m., Sunday night and I'm still not sleeping not because I'm not tired, heck, if there's one thing I am, it's tired beyond redemption, I needed sleep that lasts over a week. But, one thing had been keeping me up, that paper airplane signature.

I've asked around last night, they said that the one who topped me off lives in Vancouver. I know that. And then they told me that he'd been with them in a couple of games, said he was an all-around leaguer, can placed in any posts. In fact, he's been the last man standing in a few of games.

Last night, eh, well I wasn't fortunate enough but at least I lasted a good twenty minutes more than Niall did.

The paper airplane drawing, as they said, is really drawn with 'RT' and though that still doesn't make sense, it adds a bit to my clues.

I looked up most meanings of RT and well, some of them at pretty odd, Respiratory Treatment, Room Temperature and even Roundtrip. Don't ask. So I guessed it might be a name.

I started searching through people with RT initials throughout Vancouver but none and I mean none of them seem to fit that title. It's been bothering me too much. I can't seem to let it go when I've gotten one step closer.

After a few moments, Niall had forced me to go to sleep. We've been through a series of unfortunate and tiring things during the weekend, I might as well sleep and leave the rest for tomorrow.

And it was the worst thing to do.

The next day, I don't have to guess who has got a bad mood. Since, she's seated right beside me.

"What's up with you?" I asked, not even concerned whether I am talking to a formal girl. . . she's not even that prim today, she's way too grumpy and child-like for that.

"Stupid," She muttered. "Stupid, stupid things!" She complained, looking like she's about to throw a tantrum and as much as I act fearless. . . I am way beyond terrified about that thought.

"The heck?!" I didn't even ask this one to her. It's just a reaction. I don't think I qualify enough to give her some sort of advice. Besides, I've never seen Taylor Swift like this but the way the others act seems like it's just getting started.

Around lunch time, I've asked Niall what the heck happened to Taylor and he told me it's about that Math thing again and then he advised for me not to dwell on it since it's normal.

But then, for the first time, I guess, Jhanelle had brought out the Taylor subject.

"I kinda wish she doesn't act that way. Like I want her to be her two years ago," Jhanelle said, rolling her eyes and eating some street foods she bought outside. It wasn't even allowed but Jhanelle goes by this motto, do what you want and say what you want to say. And we all respect that.

"Yeah, she was cool. Her parents have to loose up on her." Berlyn said. "I mean no offense, our parents are strict, but hers is a different strict. They caused her slight retreat from the world. She hasn't been the same since about a year ago."

"How I miss two years ago." Marshal added.

"Aww, you mean that coconut husk hairstyle of yours?" Jhanelle teased and the table bursted laughing.

Aerielle was the last one to finish laughing since she has the funniest laugh. "Oh my God! It's like--" she laughed again and we all bursted out laughing once more.

I haven't even seen Marshal with that kind of hairstyle, I let my imaginations run free until Berlyn said, "I have a picture of that!" She scanned through her phone and then showed it to me.

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