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"That was the first time someone broke into my bedroom. . . it happened to be this handsome young lad here." Taylor said, her voice echoed through the microphone in front of her. A smile slowly pulled up from her beautiful red lips, hiding behind the tears that had been making her dazzling blue eyes glimmer.

She sighed, looking into crowds of suits and dresses listening to every word of hers. They sat quietly, their eyes fixed on the beautiful lady standing in front of the podium.

Truthful to her story, she had kept her structure. She stood the very same way she used to, straight and very lovely. She had kept her Victorian Era style that he took notice of, she knows that. Her hairstyle today is very simple, a side-braid from right to left.

The room was filled with seats and people occupying them, in rows and groups. Most of them are relatives, most of them are friends, and some of them seemed to be just passing by. The smell of flowers flew around the room, so did the burning smell of the scented candles. Well lit as the room was, the atmosphere didn't seem that way.

Taylor, honestly, had despised every single second of it. In fact, she'd give anything in the world just so she wouldn't be under a roof with strangers in a gloomy atmosphere. She'd rather be anyplace else, maybe contrasting to this one. She'd rather be somewhere dark, alone inside her room or maybe with someone else, instead of being inside a crowd in a lit room and feeling like an outcast. She'd, rather have the smell of forests surrounding her rather than the flowers and scented candles.

But, she cannot escape this one. Maybe she can, but she'd never choose to. She had to be here, regardless if she liked it or not.

The things Taylor had to go through just for that lad she met years ago. Just for that one troublesome lad who came into her life one second and disappeared the next.

"As I've said, we aren't the typical story I've heard from the rest of you. I mean, m-most of you had confessed your undying love for Harry Styles, some of you said you liked him from the start. Some said, they loved how his green eyes glowed, I didn't see that. I didn't know his eyes could glow --"

A round of collective, quiet laughter had engulfed the quiet room for a moment. After the moment was finished, it came back to the silent atmosphere that only filled with Taylor's voice.

She smiled for a moment, letting the noise die down. And then she continued, "Some of you also said they loved ruffling their fingers through his thick, brown curls. I didn't get that one, he followed the haircut rules so obviously, I couldn't relate either."

"Some also said that they loved the way he'd wear white t-shirts fitting to his muscular body--" Taylor laughed, the memories flashing inside her head, knowing that she didn't see that either. "W-Well, we were in Canada, and it was cold so it was rare when I'd see him in white tees. . . also rare to see his muscular body, or so you guys have said."

"I didn't do any of those, experience any of those, actually. We were either too normal or too strange, there wasn't an in-between."

"To be honest," she said, remembering Harry Styles just by a simple phrase a bit too much, the memories started flashing before her eyes.

"I-I — I didn't really know why Harry would ask me to tell you guys our story, it was different, yes, but he knows that it's not my personality to tell stories fully detailed, that's his style, not mine. I really wish he could have told it himself. But we all know, he can't."

She bit her lip and looked down, fighting back every urge of hers to cry. She badly wanted to, she badly wanted to break down. . . but she was in front of too many people and she kept in mind that Harry had requested for this. She can't just back out.

She tried to be as strong as possible, her knees shook, her mind is starting to be fogged and her voice is becoming unstable yet, she just have to keep going.

"If — If he was listening, I would have told him to seriously stop because I can't do this." She said, her voice rather weak and very different from the strong image of hers. "I don't — I don't know what I did for him to do this."

Taylor paused, or rather stopped. She didn't say anything more, she just looked down, biting her lip, taking very deep breaths.

Kendall, her very best friend, almost stepped in front but Taylor saw her and she shook her head. And so Kendall went back.

She faked a smile, scanning her eyes through the people intently listening. She had to continue, because she never would have stood there in the first place if she knew she won't be able to finish it in the first place. "Most can agree that our story wasn't the same with everyone here. I'm revealing tons of his secrets right now, but I'm revealing mine as well anyways so I guess, he wouldn't mind."

She continued, "I haven't seen him in a long time, much less heard from him. I hated how this is the kind of reunion we would have. This wasn't what I had in mind. I've even started considering that I'm being pranked. I felt like I'm being pranked, to be honest. I seriously think that I am since I have to spend hours with his ex-girlfriends and lovers. Spending time under a roof with almost everyone he knew with only a few people to talk to."

That was her way, just her nicest way of saying she doesn't really want to be here. Who would, anyways? Getting stuck in her situation was more than enough torture for Taylor. . . she hated feeling tied down to something but somehow today, it isn't like that, she was tied down, she felt that but she's also telling herself that all of it was her choice. She can't blame anyone, not even Harry. He may have wanted her to stay, but she is still the one who had a final say.

"I always knew Harry was a flirt, I just never knew he was too much of one."

A few collective laughs from here to there could be heard. Taylor paused again, letting the laughter die down and letting herself catch up with her own story.

Her mind is at the foggiest it had ever been, her chest must've felt like something was on it yet no one can tell unless they have known her. But that was her point from the beginning, which of them here really knows her?

"So explains the long list of lovers." Taylor said, "I remembered him telling me he only had two ex-girlfriends. I've no idea where the rest came from. Anyways, I'll just ask him that once we —" she wouldn't like to say the words but she continued, "–meet again, I guess."

The words rolled out of her mouth smoothly yet, it tasted awful for her but really, there was nothing she could do.

"I suppose," she said after a moment of silence and reminiscing of the vague memories she had with him. . . "may-maybe I should continue. You guys would probably like to know what happened when he broke into my bedroom. Such a cliche boy, Harry was. Yet, he had his moments and he really wasn't as normal as he thinks he is. . . was."

And so the story she was telling continued. . .



Yeesh, I'm not going to ask what you guys are speculating. I'm just here to say, thanks guys for reading until now.

Shall we play the game again?

Who saw it coming and who didn't?

Anyways, stay awesome guys, I love you all so much!!!!


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