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Even with what I said to myself earlier, I couldn't leave the Taylor subject. When Niall came around, he was actually surprised that I came back to the dorm first.

"Well, this is a first," Niall said as he entered the room. He shut the door behind him and then dropped his bags near his bed. "You seem deep in thought."

If I don't look like that, then I don't know what I look like. I've been staring at the direction in front of me for a while now, seated on my bed, biting my lower lip while constantly playing with my fingers, specifically my thumbs. The rest of my fingers are intertwined, apart from my thumbs which I constantly crash against each other.

"Does Taylor have strict parents?" I asked.

"Why a sudden interest in the so-called Victorian Era?" He asked while smirking, obviously pleased about this. Usually, I would ask about the rest of his friends but rarely about the White sweetheart.

My nose curled, I didn't want to talk about whatever happened earlier. "Sudden interest," I replied, making my voice as bland as possible. "Do you want to know the truth?"

"Nahh, the truth seemed to bother you too much, why would I want to know?" Niall asked and then started changing to his normal clothes. "Yeah, her parents are really strict. We can't even enter their houses so easily."

"I get that," I said. "Is she troubled?"

"Taylor? No," He replied. "She does have this mysterious, lonely vibe coming out of her but that never meant she's depressed or something. She just likes being reserved."

"So I've observed," I told him and my nose wrinkled, "Too strict about everything."

"La fille est riche, what do you expect?" He said, almost in a tone that says despise towards Taylor's parents. And of course, she is rich, strictness is to be expected from her.

Also, this is one of the first times I heard Niall speak French out of the class.

I looked up at Niall, there's something different about the tone he used. "What else do you know about her parents?" I asked.

"Can't tell you," He replied, "I promised Taylor I won't tell anyone."

I rolled my eyes, "Promises." I scoffed. I've never believed in promises, and I couldn't care less about other people's promises. They seemed to care so much about promises and put too much trust in it. "You know I don't believe in promises, give me a better reason."

"Promises mean a lot to Taylor," He reasoned out but that doesn't mean it's acceptable.

I sunk on my bed and turned my back on Niall, "Never mind then, if promises are really, really, really that great," I said sarcastically.

"Harry, not everyone's got the same point of you as you do," He said and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "All I'm saying is mate, try to understand, alright?"

"Alright," I mumbled halfheartedly.


"Alright!" I yelled and then turned my back on him. "Turn the frigging lights off!"

"It's still seven!" Niall yelled. "I need to do my homework."

I fake a snigger, "Of course you do."

"You don't?" He asked.

Taylor would do it for me. . . I think? I wanted to say that out to him, but I didn't because I thought that maybe that might come out wrong. And then I realise, he won't believe me if I said it.

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